cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Chrissy/Shawn.. my opinion

Well I just talked to Shawn. He seems to really like Chrissy.. atleast from how I see it. I know he wants to be with her. I told him he should go for it. Lay it all on the table so she can see things from his view and hers. She's a very understanding person.

I, myself, personally, think that they'd make a good couple and I think she should go out with him. Obviously they care about each other a whole lot. I know it'd be really weird as friends, at first.. but I think with a love like theres, even if it is as just friends, I think it can be the kind to transform into something bigger.. I don't think they'd stop being friends if they stopped going out. That's my opinion.

This is all my opinion, though. I told him I don't think she'd go out with him, but it's not like what I feel goes. I think there is a good chance for things between them. My feeling could be completely wrong and I hope it is. I want Shawn & Chrissy to both be happy. Again, I'll say it. I think they'd be a good couple.

I think if Shawn lays everything on the line it'll make it a lot easier for everyone to come to a decision.

And of course, all this is just how I view it. In no way does what I think go.


PS: Woo that was fun. I've been dying to write an opinion piece.

11:23 p.m. - 2002-08-21


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