cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Doin a good job, Chrissy, Jan, hiding the truth, To Kill a Mockingbird

It's surprising how much someone who acts like they care can hide the truth from you so much. It's actually kind of funny. It only ends up making them feel bad in the long run. That's not what makes it funny.. what makes it funny is that they could careless even though they know they're being idiotic and know they are hurting themselves. Especially when they're trying to hide stuff from you. Yeah so.. that paragraph wasn't about anyone living in Camden County.. so don't worry about it friends.

Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed my 600th entry. I'm whoring myself out to my Capn' Crunch's Peanut Butter Crunch. Hehe. Athenaeum just came on my random mp3 player and it makes me think about Chrissy.. which I'm not afraid to do anymore. I think that helped a couple nights ago. Just seeing her. It really helped, her opinion on Jan. I don't know. Maybe I don't want to forget about Chrissy. Heh. I know I don't actually. I want to remember the past and what I have felt for her. I want to move forward, yeah.. and if forward leads me away from her, then that's cool. I don't want to forget the past, though. So I guess it's good we got along, Chrissy and I. Jan and I did well today. We talked more than we usually do. Dunno.. my birthday is coming up. Just a little bit over a week. I'm actually pretty happy about everything and the position I'm in with everyone. Things will change in the future if they are meant to. I think I'm doing a good job.

I'm up to Chapter 16 in To Kill a Mockingbird. I took a break for a while. It's starting to get good, lots of action. I liked the innocent fun of the earlier chapters more, though. Hehe.. But the serious shit in the current chapters I'm reading is fun to read about to. Hehe. I like the relationships in the book. The interactions between people. Boy, listen to me.. I'm starting to sound like a book reading master.


PS: Also check out the neato new song quote at the top of the page.. pink-banana's diary gave me the idea. Isn't that a wonderful quote? Haha, we can all relate, I'm sure. I don't feel completely happy in my heart for some reason. Who knows why. Hehe. I know I'm doing more than well, though.

1:18 a.m. - 2002-08-18


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