cuke15's Diaryland Diary


198 Question Survey

1. name: Tim Mason
2. age: 18
3. zodiac sign: Virgo
4. b day: 8/26/83
5. hometown: Saint Marys, GA.. keepin it real in the STM!
--------------------have you ever------------------------------------ 6. climbed a mountain: no.. drove thru one once, though
7. eaten sushi: yes, my english/lit teacher gave me some in 10th grade
8. went to camp: yes, in 2000.
9. wanted to die: yes
10. stolen anything thing?: yes..used to in middle school.. haven't since, though.
11. wanted to die? yeah.. every now and then.
12. thought you were deeply in love??: thought and knew :)
13. farted in public?: yeah, that's fun to do
14. went to mexico?: no
15. done drugs: yes
16. color: pink
17. food: wontons
18. band: butch walker's band
19. solo singer: prince
20. movie: purple rain, this is spinal tap!, or girl
21. thing the opposite sex wears: a smile.. hehe runner up: pink koala shirt & black skirt (teehee)
22. time of year: fall 
23. store: any thrift store or independant record store 
24. season: see question 22. 
26. tv show: Sesame Street or Cheers, Runners Up: Degrassi and Daria
27. flower: snapdragons
28. place to visit: i always like going to the marquee theather (old club 5) in jacksonville.. it's got a charm only a venue like that can have.. i always wonder what the top of the red stairs on the right side of the stage go to, though..  plus it used to hold fetish shows.. hehe
29. get away: Atlanta
30. instrument: guitar
31. shoe company: airwalk.. coz i'm old school and they feel really comfortable
32. thing to do: write in my diary, talk, or play guitar 
33. movie star (actor): don't have one
34. actress: claire danes
()()()()()()()()()()()()()()(past tense)()()()()()(()()()()()()()()()() 
35. First vacation you went on:  went to six flags in Atlanta in 88 or 89, first one I can remember.
36. First school: Oakbrook (or was it Oakridge?) Elementary in Charleston, SC.. went there for Kindergarten.
37. last time at the mall: I think about 2 months ago.
38. last thing you purchased: Guitar strings from Sam Goody 
39. last person you hit: on purpose? I can't even remember, someone in my family.
40. last person you flipped the finger too: Can't remember
41. last person to email you: excluding spam and mailing lists I'm on.. Julie
42. person you were in love with: Chrissy.. still am.
43. last thing you were in love with: last thing I fell in love with is Prince's music..
44. last song that was stuck in your head?: i've got "Purple Rain" stuck in my head
45. last movie you saw: I forget the name.. it was about this valley girl who fell in love with a punk rocker.. it was on Comedy Central
46. last person you saw: saw as in.. was going out with?  Chirssy.. saw as in.. saw with my eyes?  my mom.
47. last friends house you went to: Shawn's.. a while ago.
48. last time you met a new person: i'm constantly meeting new people 
49. last time you you were in love: now 
50. last time you ate from a bowl: two days ago.. mom made me a salad
51. last time you fell down: i don't remember.. I trip all the time but I always catch my balance before I fall
52. last time you cried: about 30 hours ago.. thinking about a friend of mine who's going thru a rough time
53. last time you bled: yesterday, cut myself shaving
 =============================present tense==============================
54. what cd is in your cd player at the moment: readysexgo by the Marvelous 3
55. are you depressed: sorta.. things are looking up though 
56. what is on tv if you're watching: i'm not watching right now
57. what's under your bed: magazines, cds, clothes, random drink bottles, books, unsent letters, poems.. all kinds of shit
58. what's on your bed room walls: Injected poster with injected & greenwheel setlists and some autographed shit from the bands, a dart baord.. and that's about it.
59. whats the weather like:  It looks nice out.. good temperature.. would be nice to go for a walk.. I might actually get off my lazy ass and do that. 
60. what are you doing: doing this survey.. that's about it 
62. what happend to 61: Good Question.
63. bestest: shawn, leo, and chrissy are my bestest friends
64. funniest: chrissy
65. dumbest: sheri.. she's not dumb at all.. just i don't have many friends.. ya dig? (sorry sheri!)
66. strongest: billy
67. strangest: shawn.. but he's very beautiful and he's not trying to be strange, just himself... that's what makes it beautiful. boy i sound like a gay pansy.
68. weirdest: sheri
69. most hot: you should have said "hottest", but Chrissy, of course.
70. most artistic: leona
71. most creative: leona
72. worst handwriting: sheri or shawn
73. most smart: heh, you idiot.. you worded that wrong.. my smartest friend is definetely chrissy, though.
74. most daredevilsh: shawn
75. most likely to be famous: leona and chrissy
76. most outgoing: chrissy used to be, but i think she's starting to reserve her energy for the people she know will be there for her when she needs them.. chelle would be the most outgoing, now. 
77. most sweet: shawn.. in his own way.. or chrissy or sheri or leona.. all my friends are sweet
78. most obsessed with music:  other than me?  Chrissy is the most obsessed other than me.. her life is sometimes a journey to discover new music, like mine.. which is pretty amazing.. shawn and leona would be next because they download anything they're told to download, but they don't necessarily look for new music.
79. most adrenaline junkie: shawn or chrissy
80. most trusted: shawn and leona and usually chrissy.. but i have to trust myself around chrissy to put my trust in her too...
81. what do you want to be: musician 
82. do you wanna get married: yes
83. have kids: yes.. but only if my wife does
84. dream car: hippy van or tour bus :)
85. dream house: i don't care what i have, the only thing I'd wish for in a house is a room just for my music and in my dream house, i'd have a rock club that touring bands played.
86. kid names: Claire Annette if it's a girl, Shawn Michael if it's a boy 
87. planning to go to college? which one: a community college after I get my GED.. then in my freshman year at the community college i'm going to be really dedicated and get high marks and then retake my SATs and transfer into (hopefully) the University of Georgia, Mercer, or Emory
88. state or place where you want to live: Atlanta
89. where do you want to go on your hunny moon: anywhere where I can let my troubles go and have fun with my bride
++++++++++++++++++++++++personal appearence++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 
90. eye color: brown, and very rarely green
91. hair: black with manic panic'd red bangs.. which are now blonde from fading
92. height: 6'1"
93. skin color: white 
94. style of clothes: jeans & a t-shirt
95. style of shoes: anything comfortable
96. braces: no 
97. makeup: rarely.. but sometimes 
98. contacts or glasses: glasses
99. high or low socks: high
100. long or short finger nails: short
 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^opposite sex^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
101. who's the hottest: I honestly don't look at other girls like that except for Chrissy.. so Chrissy.. it's funny though.. I always talk about how sexy guys are... but I only actually invest time in thinking about how sexy ONE female is
102. who would you most likely fuck: Chrissy..that's further on down the road and not much of a priority, though
103. whose got the best body: read #101.. same answer 
104. hottest actress: dunno
105. hottest actor: prince
106. hottest athete: i don't know
107. most fuckable: the only person I would fuck eventually anymore is Chrissy..
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%random questions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 
108. do you like to sing: yes.. it's fun.. even if I do suck at it.. oh well.. 
109. ever done karaoke: no... i wanna go with Shawn & Chrissy though. 
110. ever had surgery: nope
111. name: Tim Mason, didn't we already do this one?
112. tacos: mmm, yes please
113. should elian have stayed: i think so.. this country was built on immigrants.. it's not like he was a threat to the american way of life
114. what time do you get up for school: when I was going to school I either stayed up all night or didn't go at all.. it's too hard waking up to go to school
115. what was the best thing you've done all summer: holding chrissy or watching sesame street every morning.. put the two together and i'd probably nut in my pants
116. would you trust the person who sent you this with your life: i got this off the internet, and i don't trust what i read on the internet 
117. would you give your life for the person that sent this to you? no. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$either-ors$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 
118. mercades or bmw: neither.
119. motorcycle or scooter: motorcycle
120. army or navy: if I were going into one, I'd choose Navy.. otherwise, Army.
121. orange or grape: grape.. unless it's candy.. then orange 
122. big or small house: small
123. car or motorcycle: car.
124. pool or beach: depends.. beach usually, if it's not too crowded
125. contacts or glasses: glasses have a certain charm to them.
126. socks and shoes or sandles: socks & shoes
127. short or long nails: short
128. shower or bath: shower.. im too impatient to wait for the tub to fill up.
129. rain or shine: rain
130. rock or rap: you're kidding, right?  rock.
131. stripes or plaid: plaid
132. lemon or lime: lemon
133. glass or paper cup: paper.. i'm too lazy to wash glasses
134. play or movie: depends on who's doing the play production
135. boogers or watery nose: lovely.. boogers
136. on stage or in audience: on stage
137. balls of steel or balls of wood?: steel, baby
138. tshirt or tanktop: t-shirt for me
139. cancoon or burmuda: wherever MTV isn't that year.
140. bike or walk: depends on the distance.. anything over 2 miles = bike
141. shop online or at the mall: mall, if I can go.
142. roller blade or ice skate: never ice skated.. roller blade
143. scared or scarer: depends ont eh situation..
144. big boobed and ugly or flat and pretty: flat and pretty.. i don't judge ugly/pretty anyways.. i used to.. i wonder why I stopped.
145. bitchy and beautiful or nice and ugly: nice and ugly.. 
146. mtv or vh1: VH1... they've got some balls now and THEIR SHOWS ACTUALLY RELATE TO MUSIC *GASP*
147. Aol or Media One: You'd have to shoot me beefore I chose either of those
148. spanish or french: Spanish.. I think spanish has a certain romantic charm to it..
149. bus or train: Train.. in Atlanta I would never take the MARTA busses, only the trains.
150. plane or boat: Boat, never been on a train.
151. friend or family: my friends are my extended family.
152. snow or rain: depends on how long the snow lasts and if I get to play in it. 
153. baseball or basketball: baseball
154. 1 or 2: 2.
155. 2 or 3: 2.
156. black or blue: black.
157. pink or brown: pink.
158. pen or pencil: depends on what i'm writing.. usually pen.
159. horse or cow shit: horse shit.. you can't make anthrax out of horse shit like you can with cow shit.
160. hotmail or aol mail: hotmail, even though they have a huge spam problem
161. paper or plastic: paper, usually
162. fingers or toes: toes are fun to play with.. but you can interlace fingers and lay behind the one you love and rest your interlacing fingers on the person's stomach *sigh*.. oh, wait.. back to the survey..
163. girl or boy: girls.. they show their emotion more usually which is beautiful.. listen to train's "meet virginia" (you either love it or you hate it)
164. tv or radio: when I'm in ATL, radio.. here, TV
165. wbcn or waaf: are those local channels? i've never heard of them.
166. red or green: red.
167. pale or tan: depends..
168. dry or wet: i like being wet
169. original recipe or extra crispy: i never noticed the difference
170. applebees or tin alley grill: applebees.. never had tin alley grill
171. aim or aol: uh, same thing.
172. convertable or hard top: hard top... coz i'm a rocker
173. truck or car: car
174. roller hockey or ice: roller.. never played ice hockey 
175. christies or 711: 711
176. disney world or disney land: dunno 
177. morning or night: morning 
178. day or evening: evening
179. dinner or lunch: lunch
180. lunch or dinner: ..uh.. lunch.
181. breakfast or lunch: lunch
182. breakfast or dinner: lunch
183. dennys or brickfords: dennys
184. steven or stephan: steven? 
185. italy or france: italy.
186. romance or flirt: flirting is romantic in it's own right.
187. sara or sarah: sarah
188. megan or meghan: megan
189. shoes or sneakers: sneakers ___________________________conclusion________________________________ 
190. did you like this survey: pretty good.. although a moron must have wrote some of the questions
191. was it too short: nah
192. too long? nah
193. too lame? a little, coulda had more personal questions
194. very cool? a little cool
195. you think the person that made it has no life? yes.
196. waht time is it: 11:43AM
197. reply: blah...
198. Compliment Rachel and Cedric... the creators of this wonderful survey: you suck.. 

11:44 a.m. - 2002-07-23


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