cuke15's Diaryland Diary


A decent survey

One last survey.. read the entries from earlier today for an actual development of things in my life..which also explains why my diary is currently locked... it involves Jan(uary) and Chrissy.

1. What is your full name: Timothy Scott Mason
2. Bithdate: August 26th, 1983.
3. Favorite Colour: Pink
4. Favorite day of the week: Tuesday.
5. Favorite Actor:  don't have one.
6. Favorite Actress: Claire Danes.
7. If you could insure part of your body, which part 
would it be: Fingers... for guitar purposes, honest.
8. Favorite Game Show: Win Ben Stines Money.. did I spell his name right?
9. What will you name your first child: Claire Annette if it's a girl.. dunno about a boy.. if I have a child and if my lover agrees on the name.
10. What kind of tree would you be, if there was a 
choice of course: Mahogany... I'd dream of being a guitar.
11. If you could change part of your body, what: i dont know.
12. Have you ever experienced Dejavu? yes
12. Have you ever experienced Dejavu? yes, wow.. dejavu.
14. Are you sad that the survey skipped #13?: yep, that's my favorite number.
15. Name 3 people off the top of your head: Chrissy, Shawn, Julie.
16. Favorite Cartoon Charachter: Gary from Spongebob.
17. Your Mother's Middle Name: Marie
18. Favorite Cereal: Fruity Pebbles, bitch.
19. Where would you rather be now: a Butch Walker concert would be nice.
20. Do you like anyone right now (opposite sex-wise):  only Chrissy when it comes to valid reasons
21. Salt or Pepper: Salt.
22. What's the longest you've been without showering: 2 weeks, probably.
23. Do you like egg nog: not usually.
24. Would you drink it with a mouse, or in a house: sure! Christmas stories are cool.
25. Most un-likely person for you to make best friends with: Fred Durst.
26. Celebrity you think is most like you: I'm a celebrity in my own mind.
27. Best advice you've ever heard and who told you: "Be fruitful but don't take more than a mouthful" - Lenny Kravitz
28. Answer this seriously, no one will think you're gay. If you were of the opposite sex you are, and heterosexual, which celebrity would you think is hot: a) don't speak for other people and b) Butch Walker. 
29. If you could be one of your friends, who would you be and why: if I had to be someone else, probably Shawn..
30. Are these questions getting a bit bizzare: not really.
31. Favorite type of muffin: banana nut.
32. Which side of the family do you look most like: fathers
33. Favorite Holiday: fourth of july.
34. Dream Job: musician.
35. Biggest Regret: giving a shit what any fucking lame ass people thought.
36. Favorite Song EVER: I couldn't do that.. there's way too many.
37. Song you're afraid to admit you like: dude, there are no secrets with me... everyone knows I listen to everything from MMMBop to Highway to Hell.  I'm not afraid of the shit I like.
38. Favorite word or phrase to say: Word.
39. Your Favorite Dead President: Are we talking about the band or actual dead presidents?  Probably Lincoln.. coz he did good stuff for the country.
40. What was the last thing you ate: candy..
41. What is your earliest memory: falling off a cannon at the fort in charleston.
42. Person you think will actually read all your answers to this: Chrissy
43. Are you madly in love with Zack Gehringer: who?  don't shoot me.. if I should know who this is, kindly tell me.
44. Are you gay: nah.
45. Are you sure: yeah.
46. Absolutely sure: yes.
47. Ok, good, i was just trying to up the # of questions... uh... do you like... hm.. this is getting tough... are you... i don't know, just pretend there was a question here and write an answer: hahah.. that was original
48. Do you believe in aliens: I don't think about it too much.
49. Would you participate in a homosexual game of Twister to save a friend's life: sure.
50. Wow, we're far. Well, uh.. do you like the number 50: hahah.. this is an original survey.. yes. the number 50 rocks.

---Out of all your friends, who do you--- 
51. Talk to the most: Leona.
52. Tell the wierdest stuff to: Shawn.
53. Listen to problems and/or stories from: Sheri.
54. Want to be with more: Shawn and Chrissy.
55. Like? You don't necessarily have to answer, but..: i like Chrissy.
55. Gossip with most: i'm not much of a gossipper, I Like to with Shawn sometimes though.

---In the past year--- 
56. How many "crushes" have you had: probably 3 or 4.
57. Did you enjoy your lunch time: yeah.. especially the lunches at school with Chrissy & some pink lemonade.
58. How many journal entries did you write: let me check.. 273.. this will make 274.. i may be 1 or 2 off.
59. How many times did you think life sucked: lots.. but I usually end up realizing how good life can be.

---Back to normal Questions--- 
60. Is this survey starting to get a little suckier than when it was funny: yeah, I suppose. 

Well then, let's try a little harder then, shall we? 

61. What tattoo would you like to have: A tattoo that says "I have a tattoo" so I can be like "HEY! GUESS WHAT?" and people will be like "WHAT?!" and ill show the my tattoo.. 
62. What is your favorite State: Georgia
63. Why: It's a pretty laid back state..I like it here.
64. Is Elvis still alive: no.
65. What do you think of Mel Gibson: I don't know.
66. Cheese in a can or in a wrapper: depends on what you're making.
67. Are you possessed: I'm possessed with a musical spirit.
68. If not would you like to be: 
69. We'll skip this question out of respect for the number it is...  good call! 
70. Favorite school subject: Math or Gym.
71. Is it because you have the hots for your teacher: no. 
72. Do you wanna wrestle: sure.
73. Do you have a thing for Mel Gibson: no
74. Have you ever had braces: no
75. Have you kissed anyone within the past 48 hours: I kissed Chalupa and Buddy..
76. Would you like some cream cheese: yes.. in wontons please.
77. Hypothetically, do you have enough money on you now to buy cream cheese if you wanted to:  sadly, no.
78. What is the capitol of Wisconsin (don't copy): Madison.  I'm smart!
79. Does Mel Gibson like cream cheese: I don't know..
80. If you could tame any animal for a pet, what would it be: a cow. 
81. Can you believe you've wasted this much time: yes.. I've got nothing better to do.
82. Who do you think will like this survey: I liked it.. if that counts.
83. Who's better- Mike Tyson, or Rodney Dangerfield: Rodney.
84. Well, I believe this is a required final question for these things, so are you glad it's finally over: no.. now I have to find more surveys to keep me occupied.. nah, fuck that.. im just gonna go lay down and die.


5:28 p.m. - 2002-07-20


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