cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Dream, offline messages, Julie

Shit, I need a hair cut. Well, I went to bed early again and slept for a long while. I woke up to see that I recieved 4 offline messages on yahoo, two each from two people. I don't know why, but that made me feel strangely cared for. One pair was from Rina and the other from Milli. Looking at the time stamps, I just missed Milli. Oh well. Rina wants me to e-mail her, so I guess I'll do that. I think I need to buy the Flying Tigers CD. Julie called and woke me up and I was like "Hello" and she was like "Hello. This is Julie." and I was like *click*. She likes to walk over me. She changes her opinions way too often too. It's definetely not the situation I can allow myself to be put into. My head is itchy. I think I need to take a shower finally. It's been 3 or 4 days. I only like showering when I dire need to. I keep having these weird dreams about Waffle House & Chrissy. Like me playing guitar with my band, who doesn't know Chrissy, with my back turned twoards the door. So we're sitting there talking about the songs and the feeling we're trying to translate (which involves my feelings twoards Chrissy), all the while talking about her and the feelings.. and she's overhearing it and I have no clue. Then I start playing really kick ass songs. Some of my originals, plus some covers (Injected, Flying Tigers)... what does it all mean?


Consider the words of the songs you are hearing for additional messages.

..ok.. well "When She Comes" by Injected is literally about the female orgasm.. so that doesn't help much...

"Here We Are" by The Flying Tigers is about wanting to refind something you've lost.. that makes sense.

I don't think it's about the words of the song with me, anyways, just the feeling of the songs.

next.. I think everything else is just a recollection of my past. Waffle House, Chrissy, the band.. etc. I don't know. "Here We Are" would be the only clue and that's telling me nothing I didn't know already. Oh well, I don't have much to update.


4:23 a.m. - 2002-07-19


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