cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Being checked in on, Insecurity.

Yo sexies. What's up? Not a lot here. Chrissy was up late last night. Sucks to be her. She actually has shit to do today. My mom called me this morning. Everyone seems intent on checking on me every fucking 5 minutes. I'm 18 and I won't be doing anything that will be causing them any finacial suffering, so there is no reason to be worried. Of course they aren't going to stop checking up on me, they'd rather treat me like a little middle school kid. The hard part about being so insecure is caring so much. I need to learn how to care as much, but without letting everything that seems not 100% right get me pissed or curious or upset. I think if I train my mind to not judge things until they are completely out in the open. I'm doing a lot of judgements on things only because it seems like somethings wrong. I think I need to wait and see the whole situation before I say anything. That's the first step to not being so insecure. I don't know. We'll see. I asked her what my downsides were for the reason of fixing them. So that's what I shall try and do. Anyways, I woke up this morning to recieve an offline message on Yahoo from Chrissy.. hehe it made me feel good to wake up to "I love you" (even though that wasn't the whole offline message).


Songs of the moment: Meatloaf - Two out of the Three Ain't Bad (hahahahah.. I'm a pansy.. nah, there's a reason for me listening to that song.), Oasis - Wonderwall, Queen - Somebody to Love, Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

12:58 p.m. - 2002-06-22


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