cuke15's Diaryland Diary


400th Entry.

Hello world. Lovely 400th entry here. Blah. I miss Chrissy. I miss holding her. I'm so fucking cheezy and corny when it comes to this shit. I get kinda weirded out when she doesn't write about me in her diary. I don't know. I guess I'm just a pussy. I mean, she's doing nothing wrong. It's just an insecurity I have to deal with myself. That's the way I'd like this problem to be handled, because it's not a problem with her and I, just with me. We're doing really well, her and I. There are still some frustrating times, but everything always looks so beautiful when there isn't an obstacle. She told me today why I'm so special in her eyes, and it really made me feel good. She sees shit in me that not too many others. I see a lot of the same in her. No one even sees this bond between us except for us and Shawn. Shawn really is a big part of this relationship.. atleast in this stage he is. He's not so far as the 3rd member of the relationship and he's not really required, but he does see this relationship for what it really is and he is there to help. Unfortunatly, I end up hurting him a lot and I don't like that. I'm listening to Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack (Acoustic) for this entry. Haha, I finally figured out how to get fat ass Sarah from liking me. I told her I haven't chaned my clothes in 3 days, and honestly, I haven't. She hasn't talked to me since. I took a shower and need to change soon. Well I'm gonna go. Happy 400th, diary.


12:43 a.m. - 2002-06-18


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