cuke15's Diaryland Diary


500 Question Survey.

Yo, I thought I'd add this survey because it rocks and it's 500 questions long and I know you'll atleast learn one or two new things about me in the process.. So enjoy!

1. What brand of toothpaste?

Whatever my mom buys when I tell her I need a new tube.. this time it's a big tube that says "Fluoride"

2. Shampoo + Conditioner in one ..or separate?

I don't ever use conditioner...  I use shampoo though.

3. What Brands?

Suave.    Usually in the scent of some kind of fruit like peach or strawberry, but my mom has been getting me herbal scents as of lately.  That's stupid.

4. What flavor dental floss: Mint, cinnamon, bubble gum, or regular?

Bubble Gum.  Flossing hurts like hell, though.  Maybe I'm just too strong and am digging dental floss into my gums really hard.

5. Do you roll your socks, pull them up, or ?

Pull them up.  I need to get some striped socks and be old school.

6. Toilet paper: wad or fold?

Good question.  I don't really pay attention.

7. Do you know Donald Duck's middle name?

No.  I know he doesn't wear pants, though.

8. Favorite color?

Pink, and this really bright shade of blue.

9. Summer footwear: sandals or nothing?

Barefoot unless I'm going outside, then.. sandals, if I had some.

10. Apples, oranges, or bananas?


11. Lefty or righty?


12. Is the glass half-empty or half-full?

Depends, if you're optimistic about things, half-full.

13. blah.


14. What do you like about yourself?

I like the fact that I can play guitar really well.

15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers?

Fuck yeah... If I had some.

16. Do you sing in the shower?

Yes.  Usually I just play air guitar and sing like 3 inches from the shower wall like there was a mic there, though.  Am I scaring you yet?

17. Do you talk to your cat/dog/____(your pet here)____

I talk to my dogs, yes.

18. Do you talk to yourself?

I've realized I've started too more often, only because it helps me think on the inside when I say something on the outside.  I don't know why.

19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist?


20. Do you know your mailman/woman's name?

No, but she's nice.

21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas?

How?  The mail doesn't come around on Christmas.

22. Do you have 11 toes?


23. What is the lamest pick up line you've ever used?

Damn you're lookin' so fine, woman.  Wanna bump nasties?

24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen?


25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink?

Yeah, That'd be cool.

26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny?

Bugs Bunny.

27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot?

Yes.  I'd love to ruffle his feathers.

28. Would you ever recite poetry to a girl?

Yeah.  I've done it before.

29. If you HAD to, what color nail polish/lipstick would you wear?

Pink or Black.

30. Do you bite your lip when you're nervous?


31. Would you skip school if you had a huge zit between your eyes on picture day?

Yes.  I skip picture day usually anyways.

32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay?

Depends on the guy wearing them.

33. How do you take mascara off?

Hit myself with a fucking hammer until I cry and then that washes it away.

34. Would a girl wearing blue/green mascara turn you on?

I don't know.

35. Do you know HOW to figure out bra size?

Yeah.  I do, actually.  *gets tape measure*

36. Would you ever wear lip gloss?

Yes, but usually when someone gives me some I end up eating it because it always tastes good.

37. What's better: gummi sweettarts or sweettart gum?

Gummi Sweettarts.. I've never had Sweettart Gum

38. M & Ms or Skittles?

Skittles, duh.  Unless they're peanut butter M&Ms.

39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and actually TALK to her?

Yeah, I love my mom.  I do get embarassed in certain situations, though, I'll admit, but she's my mom.. I can deal with it.

40. What is 1 + 1 ?

That's 2 right? Or is it 11?

41. What is your favorite holiday?


42. Pick one: RuPaul - Dennis Rodman


43. How old are you?


44. How old do you WANT to be?


45. Where do you want to live?

Atlanta, Los Angeles, Chicago.. any place with a good rock scene.

46. Where do you want to go?

Right now, I want to go to Dynasty.  I want some fucking Chinese, damnit.

47. Who do you want to meet?


48. Do you like Kool-Aid?

Depends on what kind it is.

49. Does pine-sol smell good?

Yes, but it could smell better.

50. What are your favorite pizza toppings?

Pepperoni, Cheese, Ham, Pineapple... sometimes other stuff too.

51. Do you like toast?

Yes.  Dry.  I'm weird.

52. Do you still carve pumpkins?

No.  I should this year, though.  

53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa?


54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth?

Yep.  I didn't lose them all until I was 14, though.  It's kind of funny sitting in 7th grade and one of your teeth coming out and your teacher wondering what kind of freak you are.

55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet?

Nope, they're on their way though.

56. Clear or colored?

Depends on what we're talking about.

57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did you pick: bubble-gum, grape, or mint?


58. Where is your hand right NOW?

My left hand was in my mouth, but now it's on the keyboard, and my right hand hasn't left from the keyboard.

59. What is better: your right ear or left pinky?

Right ear.

60. Okay or O'tay?


61. French poodle or french kiss?

French kiss... 

62. Are 2 x 4s really 2 inches by 4 inches?

Well, 2 inches wide and 4 inches deep..  I think that's how it works.

63. If not, how big are they REALLY?

I don't know.

64. Do you have a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 2?

Stop harassing me.

65. Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages?

Mom's is March 9th, she's 46.  Dad's is October 24th, he's 45.  They don't look their ages, though.  So that's good.

66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages?

Jeremy's is December 15th, he's 20.

67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29?

No.  *sigh*

68. Have you ever used colored white-out?


69. What do you think of Smurfette?

Oh come on, think about it.. millions of guys, one girl... who made the millions of guys? Exactly.  Slut.

70. What is your favorite book?

The Dirt: An Autobiography of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band.

71. How does a cabin far, far away, with a fire, candles, and the one you love sound?

Don't tease me.  Ass.

72. Salmon or Cod?

Salmon, especially when it's grilled in tin foil over the grill. 

73. Crab or Lobster?

Crab legs.. mmm.

74. What sounds better: up or down?


75. What sounds better: sideways or sidewards?

Depends on the context.  I guess if you were to choose one I'd choose sideways.

76. Ok, NOW where is your hand?

Damnit.. you said that right when I was rubbing my pubic hair.  Ass.  I wasn't masturbating, though.  I just felt like moving my hand downt here.  Right hand stayed on the keyboard, though.

77. Describe the best day of your life.

I couldn't choose. 

78. Broom or mop?


79. What is your favorite word?


80. Free! Don't have to answer this since there is no question. ;P

Aww. thanks.

81. What is your full name?

Timothy Scott Mason.

82. What do you wish your name was?

Nikki Fucking Sixx.

83. Describe your kinkiest fantasy.

It involves me going down on someone.  I'm more of a giver.

84. What is the weirdest middle name you've ever heard?

A guy friend of mine has a girl's middle name.  I don't talk to him much, but he's cool as shit.  I was sworn to secrecy about who it was, though.

85. Are your feet the same size?


86. Cassettes or CDs?

CDs, duh.

87. Is watching "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" a tradition in your home?

No, but watching A Christmas Story is.

88. What are your Christmas traditions?

Me, mom, Jer, and sometimes Dad being together and opening presents.  We used to have a tradition of having a tree, but that tradition died last year.  *sigh*  No one seemed to care about it except me.  It actually kind of hurt.

89. How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut?


90. 10 more to go, are you bored?

You're lying.  There's like.. 10 plus 400.

91. Do you like onions?

Depends on what I'm eating them with.  Green onions are the shit.

92. What would you name your band, if you had one?

Jacuzzi Divers.  I do have one.

93. Have you ever worn a dress?


94. Did you know that if you talk into a vent, someone in a nearby room will hear you?

Hell yeah, and that's fun as shit to do if you're grounded and so is your brother and you have to find some way to get along.  The good old days.

95. Frogs or toads?


96. Do you believe in making a wish at 11:11?

Nah.  I make the same wish at 3:26 PM though.

97. 8 or 3?


98. How long can you hula-hoop for?

I don't know.  I could probably get half a minute.

99. Did you know Dave is AWESOME?

Yeah, Dave is the shit.

100. You made it. Do you love me now?

No, because I didn't really make it.  See, someone added 400 on after you, ass.

101. Did you ever eat crayons when you were little?

I used to chew on them, I don't think I actually ingested, though.

102. On your last birthday, what did you wish for?

I don't remember.  I don't ask for gifts as much anymore.

103. Do you know all the words to the National Anthem?

Well, see.. there is more than one verse, to contrary believe.  I know the first verse, though, the one every sings.

104. Is watching the Superbowl a party in your house?


105. Are you going to name your son Elvis?


106. If not, what?

Rufus.  So he can get picked on all the way through life.  Nah, probably Shawn or Billy in honor of the two greatest friends of the male gender I've had.

107. What about your daughter?

Claire Annette.. a musical overture to that, I love it.

108. Describe your most embarrassing moment.

I don't get embarassed too much.  

109. Do you read tabloids?

I read the headlines, they're entertaining.

110. Did you ever find Bugs Bunny attractive when he put on a dress and played a girl bunny?

Wayne's World.  Party time, Excellent.  Yes.

111. Do you like cotton candy?

Hell yeah, it mealts in your mouth.

112. Do you suffer from cramps?


113. Do you have that not-so-fresh feeling?

No.  Maybe if I were female.

114. Favorite food?

Big ass slabs of ham from Waffle House, or wontons.

115. What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery?

Get a couple of Paul Reed Smiths.  Otherwise, just sit around and pay my mom monthly rent for the rest of my life so I wouldn't have to do a god damn thing, ever.

116. Ribbed or plain?

Ribbed.. for her pleasure.  Does anyone know if those really do make it better for her?  I'm curious.  Makes no difference on my side.

117. "Lala" or "Skittle de bop du wop"?

Skittle de bop du wop.

118. Apple pie or cherry pie?


119. Pepsi or Coke?

Coke.  Except the vanilla kind.  Eww.  

120. Strawberry or Vanilla?

Vanilla.  Dude, they have Vanilla milk at Mom & Pops.  That is the shit.  I'd die for that shit.

121. Favorite movies?

This is Spinal Tap!, Girl

122. Favorite Actor?

I don't know.

123. Favorite Actress?

I always liked Claire Danes.

124. Cheerios or corn flakes?

Corn Flakes, with sugar... or Frosted Flakes.

125. Panty hose or thigh-highs?

Thigh-highs.. god, that's such a turn on.

126. Do you shave your legs?


127. Midnight or mid-day?

I like mid-day better, unless I'm actually with someone at midnight..

128. Hope or Billy?


129. Cottonball or Q-tip?


130. Dry or lubricated?

I guess that depends on how tight it is, doesn't it?  

131. Fast or slow?

Slow with fast breaks.  I always thought that'd be nice.  I'm not experienced enough to know.  Is this question even about sex?

132. Hard or soft?

Wow, depends on the driving beat of the song currently playing.

133. Yogurt or ice-cream?

Ice Cream.

134. Spoon or fork?

Spork.  But if I had to choose, fork.

135. Are you crying right now?


136. Fling or flick?


137. Look at your middle finger, on your right hand, what do you see?

A finger.  wanna see it too? *shows you his middle finger*

138. Look to your left, what do you see?

The box my computer came in and the box for my Digitech RP7 guitar valve.

139. Look to your right, what do you see?

My fan, my open door, Buddy the dog, and a window.

140. Who is at your house right now?

Buddy, Chalupa, and me.

141. Who do you like more: your father or mother?

They've both got good attributes to them.  I'm trying to keep the best of both of them and flush the worst.  I'm closer to my mom, though.

142. Do a few twirls, are you dizzy now?

Fuck you.  I'm not getting up.

143. Favorite song?

My favorite song changes all the time... probably today it's "April Fools" by Rufus Wainwright or "Leaving Las Vegas" by Sheryl Crow, considering I've had the two on repeat the whole quiz.

144. Boxers or briefs?


145.Tootsie pops or blowpops?

Doesn't really matter to me.

146. Big Red, Juicy Fruit, or Doublemint?

Juicy Fruit.

147. Do you like to fish?

Not really.  Only when I catch something.

148. Is your grandpa cool?

The one on my fathers side was a fucking dick who left him.   I give props to my dad for even sticking around and being a father figure, since he had no guideline on how to do it.  On my moms side, yes.. he's a really fucking cool man.

149. Does your grandpa bore you with long stories?


150. Do you snore?

Yes, but I can fix that.

151. Describe how your breath smells right now.

Like waking up and drinking Sam's Choice.  I'm gonna brush my teeth once I finish this.

152. If you were a girl, would you rather be "Matilda" or "Alexis."

Alexis.  Matilda sounds weird.

153. Does it taste good?

Tastes like chicken.

154. Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge?


155. Do you chew on pens/pencils/--?

Depends on who owns them.

156. What is your favorite comic (like in the paper!)

I don't read comics too much.

157. Acting class or class act?

Acting class, I think?

158. Upside-down or downside-up?

Upside-down.  Downside-up would take too long to get used to.

159. What's up?

Not much, you?

160. What does "GROWL TIGER" make you think of?

Someone throwing a rock at a tiger trying to get it to growl for his kids at the zoo.

161. What does this -> .dm,'fglkserhngjkqb; make you think of?

Hmm.. Someone just hit the keyboard.

162. Blondes or brunettes?

Brunette... I'd guess.

163. Push or pull?

I seem to like pushing.. pushing on  Waffle House's door wondering why it won't open.. and noticing it was a pull door.

164. If a door says pull, do you automatically push?

Hahah, not usually.. just in the above instance. 

165. Do you even read those door things?

Obviously not.

166. Do spiders scare you?

Nah, spiders are cool.  Roaches scare the hell out of me though.

167. What does?

Roaches, loneliness, being lied to.

168. Did you know I was scared of FROGS when I was a baby?

That's cool

169. What was your first word?

Deoxyribonucleic.  It was followed by "Acid'.  I grew up giving lectures on DNA and gene therapy.

170. What was your first phrase?

Deoxyribonucleic Acid is the building block for ever human being's life.

171. What can you not pronounce?

Aluminum, unless I'm not thinking about it.

172. Did you know my phone just rang?

Cool.  I didn't know that.

173. Is your phone ringing?


174. What's your phone number?


175. Do you eat your toe-nails?

I bite them off, but I don't really ingest them.  That's just kinda icky.  I guess so is biting them, nevermind.

176. Are you in drag right now?


177. Wal-mart or Kmart?

Wal-mart.  The more you buy there, the bigger my mom's paycheck and the better her chances for a raise.  Buy Wal-mart so she can be more tolerant and won't kick me out until later in life.

178. Jim Carrey or Mariah Carey?

Old or new Mariah Carey?  Her old stuff is the shit.  But, overall, Jim Carrey.

179. How many REAL push-ups can you do?

Haven't tried in a while.  Am I allowed to keep my feet against the wall?  Maybe 20 or 30.

180. How many fake push-ups can you do?

A hundred or so.

181. Go run a mile. You have ten minutes. -- Are you tired now?

Fuck you.  I could run half way and walk back and still make it on time.  I'm just too lazy.

182. Does your bike have 2 wheels?


183. Are they flat?

I'm not doubting that.

184. Can you do a hand-stand?


185. Front or back?


186. Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it?

4:35 PM

187. Are you on fire right now?


188. If I give you a piece of paper, what are the odds of you not eating it?

Depends.  What are the bets?

189. Sprite or 7-up?


190. Mug Rootbeer or DrPepper?

Rootbeer... Dr. Pepper if you put vanilla in it.

191. Bambi or Thumper?

Thumper.. reminds me of the stripper in the book "House of Leaves".

192. Do you think Flower is hot?

Nah.  I don't even know who Flower is.

193. If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you?

Depends on what was beneath that bridge.

194. Would you lick Prince's feet for $5?

I would pay Prince $5 to lick his feet.

195. Do you know there are people who would do that for free?

Yes, and I'm one of them.  Prince is a great man.  He's done a lot for R&B music and even to a bit of Rock.  

196. Umm. can you count how many questions are left?

304 I'm guessing.

197. Is your left pinky right-handed?

No, I don't think so.

198. 5+7+8-1234569%555x3=?

Well, you didn't put a sign in between 1234569% and 555, so It's impossible to answer that.

199. Really? Are you sure?


200. Do you know how many calories you burn when you do the wild thing?

It probably depends on how long, how hard, how fast, and other small factors.

201. How do you spell Czechoslovakia?

The Czech Republic.

202. Can you burp whenever you want?

With a little bit of something to drink, sure.

203. Will you call me?


204. What is the corniest pick-up line you've ever HEARD?

"I don't do this for just anyone".

205. When you sit are you actually standing?


206. Spit or swallow? I mean gum :P.

Spit.  It stays in your body for like 6 years if you swallow.

207. When it's time for you to go to bed, do you go or stay up talking to me?

I don't sleep much, so I'd say neither.

208. Did you know Mariah Carey rules?

She's got an amazing range, and she used to have incredible passion.  She ruled so much, now she's just fake.   I liked her cover of The Jackson 5's "I'll be There"

209. How old were you when you were 12?


210. On a good day how many tootsie pops can you eat?

I don't know.

211. On a bad?

I don't know.

212. X-Men or Power Rangers?


213. Go into a crowded public place.. try to bite your ear and hit your chest.. What happens?

I did that at school all the time.  I do it all the time anyways.  I love acting retarded.

214. Do people give you money?

My mom does all the time. 

215. Pizza or squid?


216. Love or war?


217. What's your favorite sense: touch, sight, hearing, smelling, or taste? and why?

Hearing, music is the god of everything.

218. If you could relive one day of your life, what day, and why?

The day I went to see M3, Tsar, and Injected.  Fuck yeah..  School got me all anxious to go, and we finally went and it rocked my socks.

219. Shake or stir?


220. Pen or pencil?

Pen.  I'm more of a writer.

221. On or off?


222. Ribbit or croak?


223. Comb or brush?

Neither, I'm too lazy for that.  When I do, it's usually a brush, though.

224. Sitting: native american-style or on your knees.

To be politically correct I'll say Native American-Style.  I guess we can't even say Indian Style anymore.

225. What do you call them: Bangs or fringe?


226. How long are yours?

As long as the fading red hair is.

227. How long is it?

My hair goes down to my neck somewhere.

228. Will you please send me your picture?

Sure, just give me your e-mail address and I'll make one for you.

229. A large group of friends or a best friend?

Best friend.  A large group can be grand too.  I guess it depends on your mood.

230. Nick or Shawn?

I know two Nicks... one's an ass, one's really fucking cool.  But still, Shawn is just the shit.  Shawn.

231. Lori or Kim?

I don't know any Lori's I think, so Kim.

232. Laurie or Lori?

I don't know either.. but I think Laurie looks like a better name.

233. Chris or Kris?

Chris looks like a better name.

234. Who is the most perverted person you've ever met?


235. Why?

I don't know.  It's just one of her attributes.  She likes to have fun with pervertedness.

236. Who is the weirdest person you've ever met?

You go to a mental hospital a couple of times and your choices aren't that limited. 

237. Why?

Because those places are full of weird people.

238. Would you consider yourself: wild or mild?

Depends on the situation.  People who know me know I'm incredibly bipolar.

239. Would you consider yourself: shy, fly, high, or dry?

High & Dry.

240. Would you consider yourself: bad, rad, mad, or sad? (ok these are lame so what :P)

Rad and sometimes sad.

241. Wind, water, or fire?


242. Earth or sky?


243. Iced or hot?

Hot. *drools*

244. Mocha or regular?

Neither. I'm not much of a coffee person.

245. Would you like fries with that?

Yes and supersize it.

246. Single or double?


247. Mild or hot sauce?


248. What do you think about guns?

Well, I think that it's your right to have one, if you're following the law with it.  I also know they help prevent a lot of crime, but they also cause a lot of crime.

249. What color is your hand?


250. Do you like being called nice?

I like being called honest.

251. Are you right-faced?

I don't know what that means?

252. If you were a frog would you eat flies?

Hell yeah.  That would rock.

253. Do you eat flies already?

Nah.  If I had a long stretchy tongue, I would.

254. If you were a cat would you eat rats?

No, eww.

255. Do you have a pet rat?

Nope.  I have a pet chihuahua who looks like an overstuffed rat, though.

256. Name your pets.

Chalupa and Buddy.

257. Do you love your pets?


258. Are you an exclamation kind of person or a period?

Depends on the statement I'm making.

259. Do you love me (question mark)

As a friend, whoever you are.

260. VHS or hi-8?


261. What is better: sand or dirt?

Sand.  Beach sand.

262. What is better: walks on the beach with sand flying at you or walks in the mountains with killer squirrels?

Killer Squirrels!

263. Are you scared of small animals?

Depends on what it is.  Usually, no.

264. Alvin, Simon, or Theodore?

Simon.  He was the shit.  He's part of Nerds Unite!

265. Leave-in or Rinse-out?


266. Straight, waves, or curls?

Depends on how long my hair gets..

267. Who is your favorite power ranger?

The green one.

268. Who is your favorite smurf?

The slut.

269. Who is your favorite GI Joe?

That one.

270. Do you love Optimus Prime?

I don't know.

271. How did Optimus Prime die in Transformers - the movie?

I don't know.

272. Did you watch Pee Wee's Playhouse when you were little?

Yes, still do sometimes.

273. Would you watch it now if it was still on?

It is still on sometimes!

274. How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

I knew that question would eventually happen.  Let's find out.. uh-One.. uh-Two.. uh-Three *chomp*.. Three.. 

275. Will the world ever know?

I don't know.

276. Did you have to go ask Owl to find out?


277. Winnie the Pooh, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, or Owl?

Eeyore.  I felt so sorry for him.

278. Was Winnie The Pooh better as a cartoon or puppets?

They did pooh as puppets too?

279. Have you ever been to Disneyland?


280. Have you ever been to Disneyworld?


281. If not, do you want to? If yes, do you want to go again?


282. Have you ever been out of the country?

Yes.  Canada.

283. If so, where?


284. Do you like where you live?

It's not as bad as it sometimes seems...

285. Do a cart-wheel. Was that fun?

I can't do one though.

286. Count your fingers. How many do you have?

10!  Woohoo.

287. How many times has Wile E. Coyote been squished?

I don't know.  I think he actually caught road runner once, though, I may be wrong.

288. Do you secretly wish the road-runner would get caught?

Yes.  That was a fucking genius show.  

289. Who is better: Sylvester or Tweety?

They're both annoying, but if I had to choose, Tweety.

290. Is your room messy right now?

Ask anyone who's been here, if they ever find there way out.

291. Count your fingers again. How many do you have now?


292. Are you sure you counted correctly?


293. Do you have a thing for Peter Cottontail?


294. Have you ever been in love with a cartoon character?

Well, what kind of love?  Romantic love, no.. but I've loved babs bunny for who she was.

295. What is your favorite TV show?


296. Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Gary from Spongebob.

297. Who is your favorite TV character?

Norm  Peterson from Cheers. (George Wendt)

298. What is your favorite awards show?

VH1's My Music awards.  I don't know if they still do it anymore, though.

299. Do you think you are going to be famous one day?

I think I already am to an extent.  I think I could get country wide fame, though.. if that's what you're asking.  I really just want to be able to play clubs and that's it, though.

300. If so, for what? If no, why not?

Music.  I wouldn't want to get bigger than a club scene because then people start expecting so much from you and it's not cool.    Plus, being on a club level makes it more intimate.

301. What was the last certificate/award you got for?

Something for most improved at something or something.

302. Are you obsessed with sports?

Maybe hockey, but not really obsessed, just deep into it.

303. What is your favorite sport?

Hockey.  Ping pong is fun to play too.

304. Do you watch or play that sport?

Watch Hockey, used to play Street Hockey.

305. What is your favorite basketball team?

I don't have one.

306. What is your favorite baseball team?

Atlanta, even though they aren't as good as they once were.

307. What is your favorite hockey team?

Fuckin' Detroit.  And I'm not just saying that because they won.  I think they won, atleast.

308. What is your favorite football team?

Jacksonville, even though we're always injured and we lost Tony Boselli and it's all gonna be horribly bad next season.

309. Favorite players?

I dunno.

310. What is the most boring thing to watch on TV?

Golf.  Have you ever watched a golf tourny?  Jesus.  They show a shot, then they show the  person looking at the shot, then they show the person walking and talking to his caddy.. then they repeat this.

311. Do you watch golf?

I've seen enough to know how boring it is.

312. Who is your favorite golfer?

Don't have one.

313. If you said you weren't bored before, are you now? If yes, SHUSH!

I'm getting tired of answering questions, but I must persist.

314. What are you the King of?

Never knowing what I want.. oh wait.. no, that's Butch Walker.  Nevermind.

315. Can you name all the characters on the Simpsons?

No, maybe the main characters.

316. What is the bartenders name?


317. What is the quickie-mart's owner's name?


318. Who is the police chief?

Chief Wiggum.

319. What is your school called?

I don't go to school.

320. What grade are you in?

10th, technically.. but I'm gonna get my GED.

321. What are your school colors?

I don't have any.

322. What is your school mascot?


323. What clubs are you in?


324. Do you have a specific person who is your school mascot?

I don't go to school.

325. If yes, what is his/her name and what do they wear? If no, you should.


326. How many teachers do you have?

*keeps whistling*

327. What is your favorite subject?

It was math.  I liked gym too.

328. Why?

Math was great because I was always godly with numbers.  Gym was great because I got to get all sweaty and have fun showing off, plus it was a great stress relief.

329. What is your worst subject?

Never good at history.  Not too good at Literature either.

330. Why?

History seems intersting, just not when I read about it, unless it has to do with music..  If I watch the History Channel, I'm full on into it though.  Literature is good, I just can't relate to a lot.

331. What do you wish you had done in the past, but didn't?

Started playing guitar at an earlier age.

332. What do you wish you hadn't done?

Gave a fuck about what anyone though.

333. What do you wish for?

I wish for my relationship with Chrissy to work.

334. What are your goals?

Becoming a great guitarist, for my own sake, having fun, being able to get a GED and go through community college, getting a decent job and then maybe raising a family.  I'll take what I can get though.

335. What do you plan to be?

A musician, and for a career.. something that helps people..

336. Are you going to college (now or future?)

Yes.  I need to get things in my life straight first.  I've got a lot to work out.  

337. Did middle school suck?

Most of it, 8th Grade was horribly fun though.

338. Did elementary school suck?


339. Did you call elementary school something else? (grade school, basic?)


340. How many people go to your school?

I don't go to school.

341. How many did you wish go to your school?

I don't go to school.

342. Do you hate anyone?

Osama Bin Laden & anyone connected to him, that's it.

343. Do you love anyone?

Yes.  I only love one like a significant other, though.  I love her so much.. it's amazing.

344. Do you have a friend that you wish wasn't?

Well, no.  I have some friends I'd wish would change, but if they can't.. oh well, right?  Who am I to judge who they should be as a person?

345. Do you read your horoscope?


346. Do you believe in that stuff?

I guess it depends on how much you believe in it if it comes true.

347. Whipped cream or fudge syrup?

Whipped cream.

348. Please tell that someone that you love, just what you're thinking of, if tomorrow never comes!

That's poetry.  That's beautiful.  That's good advice.

349. Do you pick up pennies off the ground, if you find them?

No, it's not worth the strain on your back.

350. Have you ever found someone's wallet?


351. Did you give it back?


352. What is the most money you've ever found at once?

$20.  My mom made me split it with my brother, though.

353. Who is your favorite model?

Butch Walker is a Calvin Klein model.  

354. Do you think women with a lot of makeup on are prettier?

Depends on the person, looks are overrated anyways.

355. Do you want to be a model?

No.  I just want attention for doing something good.

356. Can you walk the runway?

It can't be that hard.

357. Have you ever pretended you could?


358. Are you too sexy for your clothes?

Right Said Fred.

359. Have you ever gone out with more than one person at a time? If so, what happened?

Not on purpose.  Once I found out, I broke up with the one.  I know, it sounds horrible.  

360. Do you read other people's mail?

Nah.  Unless it's like a catalogue or something.

361. Are you Curious George?


362. Do you like monkeys?

Yes.  I love this one named Chrissy very very much.  A whole lot.  She makes me smile.  She's the best monkey ever, plus she's orange.

363. Do you look like a monkey?


364. Are yawns contagious?

Yes.  It's clinically proven.. but only if they're looking at you.

365. Does yawning turn you on?


366. Do you like Alanis Morissette?

Jagged Little Pill was a great album, she just sorta fell off after that, though.

367. Do you think she is pretty?

I think she's got an original look, I can find beauty in it.. but there is alot better.

368. Do you think she is a good singer?


369. What type of fetishes do you have?

Nothing too off the wall.

370. Do you wear socks on in bed?

No, not unless it's horribly cold outside.

371. Do socks turn you on?


372. What do your weirdest socks look like?

They're all white.

373. Do your socks have holes in them?


374. Do you want a Volkswagon?

Yeah.  An old one. That would rock.

375. What is that kind of phone called with the round dialer thing that they don't make now?

A rotary phone.

376. Do your socks smell?

Don't think so.

377. Do you smell?

Sure.  I have a Tim smell.

378. What do you smell like?


379. Will what you smell like make me puke?


380. What cologne do your wear?

I don't.

381. Or do you wear perfume?


382. Does it smell better or worse than you?

I don't wear any.

383. Do you like CK-1 or CK-Be?


384. Do you wish you were a woman?


385. So what's your foot doing right now?

Keeping rhythm to "April Fools"

386. Look up, what's there?


387. Do you have cable?


388. Do you have extended-cable?


389. Do you think the word "HyPeRnEsS" sounds cool?

Yes, but the alternating text makes me dizzy.

390. Do you have caller-ID?

My moms line does.

391. Do you have call-waiting?


392. Do you have 2 phone lines?


393. Do you think the phone company rips you off?

I think they're decent in this county.

394. Do you like your mom?

I love my mom.

395. Do you like your dad?


396. Do you like your siblings?

Yep.  Love him too.

397. Now that you've been filling this out for a while, do you still remember what 1+1 = ?

11 or 2.

398. Blank'edy blank blank...


399. When was the last time you did?

I'm confuzzled.

400. Do you have a guy bathroom or girl bathroom?

Mine is for any gender.

401. Are you the God of Kinkiness?

I can be.

402. What is your bathroom's color theme?


403. What room are you in now?

My room.

404. What color shows up there the most?


405. Do you know who Keroppi is?


406. Do you know what Sanrio is?


407. Can you wink with either eye?

Yes. but only one.

408. Can you roll your tongue?


409. Do you have a chin-cleft?


410. Do you like MTV?

I used to, when they actually played music videos.

411. Do you like Beavis and Butthead?


412. Are you double-jointed?


413. When was the last time you went to a picnic?

I have no clue.

414. Do you like parks?


415. Do you like hiking?


416. Do you like kids?

Yes.  Kids are grand.

417. Are you a kid?

At heart, yet.

418. Do you want kids?


419. Do you want kids now?

God no.

420. How many kids do you want?

One, Two, or Three.

421. Do you want to be a single parent?

No, but if worse comes to worse, I could do it.

422. Are you going Easter egg hunting?


423. Do you hide Easter eggs from yourself?


424. Do you hide gifts/money from yourself so you find them later and are surprised?

Yes.. well, I lose shit then find it.

425. Do you like your memories?

Yes.  It reminds me of who I am and how I've changed for the better.

426. Have you ever been digging in your backyard (if you have one) and found something interesting?

Yes, actually I have, but I've never found anything interesting.

427. If so, what? If no, start digging!

I'll keep looking.

428. Did you know my phone just rang again?


429. Now is yours ringing?


430. What is your favorite radio station?

WNNX 99x in ATL.

431. Do you know what a jingle is?


432. Does your radio station have one?


433. Have you memorized all their commercials?


434. Do they play as many commercials as they play music?


435. What kind of music do they play?


436. Are you hungry right now?

I'm eating Dynasty.. hell yeah.

437. Do you know of all the radio stations in your area?


438. Do you not even care?

I don't give a hell about any of the local ones here except 104.5 and sometimes 93.3

439. When were you the most surprised last/ever?

My girlfriend came over at 3:30 this morning!

440. Why? What happened?

My girlfriend came over.

441. Uhoh. My phone rang again. Did you know that time?


442. Do you like it or hate it when people call?

Depends on who it is.

443. Are you psychic?


444. Are you psycho?

I can be.

445. Do you like Beck?

I like a lot of his older stuff.  He's definetely got passion and he's not afraid to be himself.  Props to Beck.

446. Do you have 2 turntables and a microphone?

No.  I've got a Devil's Haircut, though.  See, I do know my Beck.

447. Do you want to be a DJ?

I want to spin rock tunes.. too bad rock DJ's aren't that high in demand.

448. Are you a DJ?


449. Do you know "where it's at?"

Yes.  It's all in the Devil's Haircut.  Beck is the shit.

450. Where do you want to be right now?

With Chrissy, at Dynasty, finishing my meal.

451. Make a fist. Do you feel manly now?


452. Do you like school?

I liked most of it, yeah.  It was the waking up at 6:30 AM thing that got to me.

453. Do you bathe daily?

Fuck no.  I'm a rock star.  Maybe once every 3 days I shower.  If I get just too nasty, then yes I'll shower daily.

454. Weekly?


455. Monthly?


456. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Lay in bed and meditate on life, then wake up and get online... eventualy I'll maybe eat and then I go brush my teeth.

457. Do you like waking up?

Nah.  Not unless I have plans.

458. Are you a morning person?

Yeah.  I'm usually up all morning, and I go to bed around 8AM.

459. Would you let a girl paint your nails if she asked?


460. Do you do it yourself?

I try, but not usually.

461. Do your grandparents live in a cabin?


462. Do you want to be the Unibomber junior?


463. Are you scared of the Easter Bunny?

No.  He gives me lots of candy.

464. What about the Tooth Fairy?

I hate that bitch.  She doesn't give me money anymore.

465. Do you like sitting on Santa's lap?

No, but I'm sure he likes when I do.

466. When was the last time you did?

I don't even remember.

467. Would you sit on Santa's lap for some silly putty?

Sure! It'd have to be a pay-on-sit kinda thing, though.

468. Do you have a Ken doll?

No, but I threw one away at Waffle House.  Sorry Chrissy :/.

469. Do you like him?

He was fun.

470. Do you want Barbie?


471. Do you still play with GI Joes?


472. Are transformers cool?


473. Do you love A Christmas Story?


474. Is it time to slam down?


475. Does A Wonderful Life make you sick?

Never seen it.

476. Do you like glue?

Depends on what I'm using it for.

477. What is your favorite recreational sport?

Ping pong.

478. Do you have a car?


479. What kind?


480. What kind of car do you want?

A beat up Pinto.  That just says rock all over it.  Or a hippy van.

481. Have you ever swam in the Nile River?


482. Do you have a thing for alligators?


483. Are you a cat-man or a dog-man?


484. Would you rather go to church or pet your dog?

Pet my dog.  I only go to church when I'm completely confused and need a break from the world.

485. What is the plural form of "SWAN?"


486. Do you like geese?

Yeah.. they're cool.

487. Do you like hot dogs?

Yep... but not often.

488. What about hamburgers?


489. Ketchup, mayo, or mustard?

Ketchup, sure.

490. What is your favorite letter?

C or T or M.

491. Cup or glass?


492. How many calories are in one 8 OZ. serving of Western Family Strawberry-Banana lowfat yogurt?


493. Are your feet cold right now?

Not really.

494. Do you believe in aliens?

I don't know. I don't like to think about it too much.

495. Have you ever seen a UFO?


496. What is your newspaper called?

Tribune & Georgian or something.

497. Do you enjoy work?


498. Do you consider yourself smart?

I think I'm smart from experience... but I could be a lot smarter.

499. Do you like your ears?


500. Do you know what?

Yes. I do. FINALLY. Thank God it's over.

See, That was fun.

6:43 p.m. - 2002-06-16


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