cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Mike, my pockets, retarded Chalupa, Prince, guitar

Hello mates! I never realized how cool Mike was. I always kinda underestimated him. I'm looking forward to teaching him some guitar later. Woohoo. So Mike, if you read this (I doubt it), you rock my socks!

Chrissy hasn't been on all day. It's ok though. Haha. I'm just remembering last night. Ryan was like "I snapped my A string" so I pulled an A string out of my pocket and he was like "I knew you always carried some off the wall, yet useful things in your pocket." or something like that. So very true. I just realized I try to have something differnet every time I go out. I don't know why. Just in case I get stuck and need something to propel a conversation forward. Haha.. Chalupa is so retarded, she's running up and down my hallway, rubbing her face against the floor.. then she stops in front of my door and looks at me like I'M THE RETARD. Maybe I am, but in my mind she is. Anyways, my music of the moment is Prince. "Purple Rain" is such a great song. I love it. It sounds and feels like a great song to hold someone to. For some reason I think this would make a great song for the CCHS chorus to do. Of course, my brain works on a different plain than most people.

Shawn still has my tuner and Billy's bike. I need to go up there with a sixth (low E) string and get the bike and the tuner. How the hell he snapped a piece of steel .48 of a millimeter before breaking the guitar or the machinehead, I don't know. I love guitar termonology. Guitar is so much a part of me. It's going to be a part of me for a really long time too.

Well, I'm going to go.

PS: "I was dreaming when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray, but when I woke up this morning coulda sworn it was judgement day, the sky was all purple, there were people running everywhere, trying to run from the destruction, but you know I didn't even care."
- Prince - 1999

That is the ultimate song. Not being afraid of the end of the world!

6:47 p.m. - 2002-06-08


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