cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Dyanne, Anal Vapors?, Burn Season, Elektra Records.. see how they're all related!

Wow. Today was a good day. I actually got 4 hours of sleep! That's amazing! Haha, I had a very long (and interesting) chat with Dyanne today. I said "Sniff my anal vapors" and "lick my love pump" a lot. It wasn't anything as sick as it sounds, it was a joke, a few lines from a few movies. Sniff my anal vapors is from some movie on VH1, and it's just hilarious to say. She even is saying it. Lick my love pump is from Spinal Tap, of course. I was tellin her how awesome it'd be to have 3-way and call random people and use this little voice only her and I know how to use and go like "sniff my anal vapors." Dyanne is so great to joke around with. Anyways, the guys in Burn Season e-mailed me today (Great band from Jax, their debut album will be out in a year) after I first heard their music while on the internet while I was on the phone with Dyanne and then emailed them. They're on such a shitty label, though. They use you for one hit, then throw you away when they gain a little bit of dough. They threw away Moby & Prodigy.. boy I bet they're kicking themselves now too, and of course, they also forgot to promote ReadySexGo (one of the best albums ever) by M3. The good part is, all those artists got new deals. I emailed Burn Season and told them that. I told them to make the first one count, so they could send it to other labels and get picked up like all the good artists that Elektra is too stupid to work with. I swear, I should be Elektra's promotion guy. A MONKEY SHOULD BE ELEKTRA'S PROMOTION GUY. Who's daughter at the company did Butch Walker boink? Why did they stop promoting the best album that came out in 2000? Yes.. this is definetely a fucked up entry. From anal vapors to Elektra record. Same difference, sometimes. Of course, these are just my opinions. Well I'm gonna go. I'm talking to Leo right now. Dyanne was sick today. That sucks.


8:41 p.m. - 2002-05-22


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