cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Good Day!

Hello world. I feel better now. I'm glad. Today has been a good day. I got my Oleander tab book in the mail and everything. I'm glad I have this life. I like who I'm finally becoming. All the pain and hurt has finally shown it's purpose. I'm strong, and a good friend to those who don't betray my trust. I'm anxious to start work, just to get out of the house. I usually don't write when I'm feeling good, because you usually don't need to vent your happy emotions. Those are OK to stay inside. I just thought I'd give an update to the few of you who actually read this. All 2 of you, I think. Yep, just Leona and Chrissy. Hello girls. *hugs*. I can't think of any bad thing that happened today, so congratulations to me on a perfect day. That reminds me of a Collective Soul song with Elton John "Perfect Day". I think I may have an idea to help Chrissy too. She's probably already tried it, but I'll tell her about it anyways.


12:15 a.m. - 2001-11-24


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