cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My Racism

It's funny how help for situations you're dealing with comes in the most odd places. I was watching the Family Fued 25th Anniversary Special on Game Show Network. Lately I've felt racist. Something has given me some inspiration that will help me change that problem I have. I fear black people. I never used to. In fact, I used to get along with them really well, and still do. I just fear them now for some reason. I don't hate them, I just fear them for some reason. They're different. Anyways, the last episode they played was the last episode Richard Dawson did at the end of the first run of the show. At the end, Richard Dawson (host) was making a speech. He told everyone that sometimes people got upset that he hugged a black person. He said that his mother said to him that God created every one, right? And God also creates rainbows, right? So why would you not trust a black person by God if they were created by the God who created a rainbow? A rainbow is the most beautiful thing in the world. God makes the most beautiful things in the world. I've been wanting to change my rascist attitude, and I think this is the inspiration I needed. The thing he said really made me think, and it makes sense too. So from this moment on, I pledge to myself that I'm going to try my hardest and eventually stop fearing black people and living my life thru God.

12:03 a.m. - 2001-07-23


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