cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My night, thoughts, a friend in Shawn.

My good buddy Shawn and I hung out today. We went for a lengthy walk. On the way back, we stopped at Bunkys. It made me remember why he and I got along so good. We can talk about important shit most other guys wouldn't have the balls to talk about. We talked about Chrissy and Katie. We were talking about mistakes. Be sorry for them, but don't regret them. That way you won't miss the lesson, or have become the person you are today. I told him I knew Chrissy and I weren't going to make it in the long run after our first fight. I wanted to make it last as long as I could. He actually agreed with me on the fact that I wanted her to fill the space after he left, and that's when the obsession started to fill in. I'm so glad he saw that. I told him with Katie it was different. Katie and I usually only fought about stupid ass shit. Shit like not talking for enough in a day. I'd chew her head off for it. I was such an ass. Our desire to ramble on fed the flame though, and we had a wonderful relationship. Too bad after the relationship I was such a moron to her. I'm just glad that things turned out this good in the long run. I'll write more after my shower, if not, then later.

10:55 p.m. - 2001-06-23


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