cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Tool's "Schism", Mindy, Billy, Brittany

I got my new GuitarONE (August 2001) and it has the tabs for "Schism" by Tool and a few other decent songs. This is the first printed apperance I've seen of the lyrics to Schism, so I'm going to type them for y'all.

I know the pieces fit, 'cause I watched them fall away. Mildewed and smoldering, fundamental differing. Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers' souls in motion. Disintegrating as it goes, testing our communication.

The light that fueled our fire then has burned a hole between us, so we cannot see to reach an end, crippling our communication.

I know the pieces fit, 'cause I watched them tumble down. No fault, none to blame. It doesn't mean I don't desire. So point the finger, blame the other. Watch the temple topple over. To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication.

The poetry that comes from the squaring off between and the circling is worth it. Finding beauty in the dissonance.

There was a time that the pieces fit, but I watched them fall away. Mildewed and smoldering, strangled by our coveting. I've done the math enough to know the dangers of our second guessing. Doomed to crumble, unless we grow, and strengthen our communication.

Cold silence has a tendency to atrophy any sense of compassion. Between supposed lovers. Between supposed lovers. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit. I know the pieces fit.

What a lovely song that is, eh? I love Tool, I've been a fan since 1996. It doesn't seem like it's been five years, but it has. Ever since I heard Aenima on the radio and 46 & 2 at my friends house, I've been hooked.

Anyways, speaking of communication, it looks as if things are gonna sour between Mindy and I, again. They always do and it really sucks. I don't know why I try for things I cannot have. I could settle for less, but sometimes the conditions set forth by the other side are less than reasonable. I just would like to talk on the phone once a day. That's not a lot to stay friends. Things don't work out all the time, though.

Yesterday, Billy came over and got me out of bed. We went over to Nick's house. His sister Brittany (*drools*) was there. I swear I go nuts around her. I could never go out with her though, she's too sweet as a friend to me and she's like a sister. She's really hot, though. She was wearing shorts when I came in, and I gave her a hug and said "HEY BRITTANY!" she changed into a long skirt and a t-shirt later though. We had hung out with Nick's Dad (Big Nick), and he bought us tickets for the Staind/Cold show in Pensacola, all we have to do is pay for the hotel. I gave him all $40 I had. He's really cool. Nice guy. We went in the garage and played guitar together. Nick played bass. I was kinda tired so it really sucked. It got really hot, so we went back inside and watched a South Park video. Then Matt (drums) and Justin (vocals) got there, and we went in the garage and I played around with them a bit. They're a totally different style than me, though. I'm more into the fun rock and they're more into the Staind type stuff. I love listening to that type though, just not playing it. Anyways, we were going to record, but we decided not to. They have someone with a mobile studio coming over Saturday, and I'm going to be there, hopefully, to add my contributions. I'm going to put up a website about them and take pictures. They're called "Shattered". If it turns out that name is taken, they're turning to "Shadowed". Anyways, I tought Nick how to play "46 & 2" on his five string. He thought it was cool. I'm not that good on bass, though. It got hot, and after a hard days work of screamin, raunchy guitar noise, Nick's rhythmic bass playing, and crashing cymbals we went inside and sat at the table (I stood) and we were talking about the future. They hope this demo they're making Saturday goes off. It'll be on Militia records (just started), so they're only considering it a demo. They were saying I'd go on the road with them and be their guitar tech, since I know so much, Billy said. I was all for it, as long as I'm not doing anything else in a band. We were talking about my hair next, It was hilarious. I was like "I need to shave my head". Justin went like "Yeah, look at me, I did it and I'm sexy". Billy was like "You're the only one who thinks that." Then Billy and Matt said at the same time "You should get a mullet" and all of us started laughing. It was funny. Nick and Justin thought it would be cool if I shaved the sides and got the rest spiked up. I don't know. I could do so much with my hair. We got to talking about eightys bands then, it was funny. Since the concert in Pensacola is general admission, even if you have a ticket and it fills up, you can't get in and you get a refund. Matt was like "if we get there, and it's full up, I'm gonna be swinging punches." He said it kinda in a funny way. It was a pretty fun little chat. I went into the living room where Brittany was watching TV, and about 30 seconds later Justin was like "Are you coming?" because they were going back in the garage. I said "yeah, man". He then was like "Good, don't be hitting on my sister, dawg." I was like, well Billy's my brother, and Nick is his brother, and Brittany is Nick's brother, so I'm like Brittany's brother. Brittany said quietly "I have a very extended family." Anyways, we went back into the garage, Billy turned on his amp and the noise was really muffled and reverbish. We checked his pedal, it was on bypass so it wasnt that. We checked the cords, changed them, it still did it. Billy was like "OK, Mr. guitar tech, tell me what's wrong. You should know if you're the tech" I asked some questions and eventually I asked him if it ran on tubes and he said "yes" and we checked the tubes and one was busted. He told me how the person he borrowed it from had told him it was about to happen. I'm going to buy a tube for him and fix it. In the meantime, Billy is borrowing my half stack. We went back inside and sat back down with Brittany. It was 6:30 at this time (we left my house at 12:30ish). Billy and I had to get back to his house by 7, so I gave Brittany a hug and she was like "later" and I was like "later." Billy and I left and went home with Justin (he lives close to us). I had dinner at Billy's house (chicken and a fried green tomato). It was pretty good. Billy's mom is an excellent cook. I had some deer meat as well. It was raining pretty heavily. After the rain died down, we went up to Mom and Pops (Billy works there) and he bought some cigarettes and then he brought me home. I played with the dogs a little, checked my email (two from Mindy, two from Rachel), then went to bed. That was totally excellent Thursday afternoon. I'll write more later.


9:32 a.m. - 2001-06-15


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