cuke15's Diaryland Diary




Gay marriage? : I'm for anything that offers more freedom. I'm not for the concept of it, but I think it's essential to let people do what they want as long as they aren't hurting others.
Abortions? : I don't even want to talk about it anymore.
Gays in the military? : Better than Tim in the military.
Human labels? : Pretty much bullshit unless you like your label.
Clothing labels? : just another way to create a caste system.
Bush? : I don't dislike him as much as I had before. I still don't like him, but after he won the election he did say he wanted to try to win over the people who didn't vote for him and that just stuck with me. But yeah, still disagree with most of the policies.
Racism? : Dislike it.
Capital Punishment (putting criminals to death) ? : i'm for it.. one of the few republican stances i think i'm for. I agree with it because of some biblical verses.


Daredevil or Safety-dweller? safety-dweller for the most part.
Bitch or Pushover? i give and take both a lot depending on the situation.
Closed minded or Open minded? in the middle.
Introvert or Extrovert? introvert.. extrovert with friends.
Comedian or Serious? Depends on the crowd.
Traveler or Stay-at-home? stay-at-home.. a nice trip to the mountains is nice though every ocne in awhile.
Nature-lover or animal-lover? Both..
Clothing-designer-fanatic or prefer good old Walmart? I prefer Walmart coz it's cheaper.
Artist or Criminal? a bit of both.
Hugger or a kisser? I like hugs and soft kisses.
Lover or a hater? lover, but I have hate I'm trying to lose.
Jock or goth? I like them both, but I relate more to goth. I like watching sports htough.
Emo or preppy? I relate more to Emo, but I don't judge against preppy coz I've had quite a bit of "preppy" friends.


People who refuse to call themselves Americans. (you know, those kids that walk around with �CUBAN PRIDE� shirts or �PUERTO RICANS DO IT BETTER� backpacks? That's their right. I don't pay any attention.
People who cut themselves? I understand it's an addiction and a way of pain relief (I poked myself in teh arm with pencils and burned myself with the erasers) when I was 12, landing me in a hospital. But I disrespect people who don't find any problem in it and like to show it off. I think its something you have to work at at all times and not accept it.
People who PRETEND to cut themselves? Idiots, but if it makes them happy then that's good. I just think it's sad we live in a culture where that's glorified to the point that people pretend to do it.
People who cut themselves just to be cool? Stupid. read first & second questions.
Black nailpolish? It's cool
Child Molestation? stupid.
Under-rated child molestation (like an 18 year old dating a 14 year old)? I still think it's wrong, but they do call it statutory rape and not child molestation. so it's obviously a difference between complete sickness and just sickness.
Brand name clothing? I like it, it's just expensive.
Sidebangs? They're nice.
Marilyn Manson? he's odd, but very talented.
Britney Spears? good performer, on and off the stage.
Braces? theyre cool as fuck!


Made out in the rain? yes, i'm sure I have.
Sung in the rain? yes.
Ran naked through the rain? No.
Kissed someone of the same sex? no.
Of the opposite sex? Yes.
Dated someone just to shock people? YES.
Made out with someone when you were drunk, then forgot their name the next day? No.
Smoked until you passed out? No.
Overdosed on anything? Yes.
Been molested? No.
Puked on a friends clothing? No.
Used hygiene products of the opposite sex (your brothers deodorant, your sisters zit cream, etc) ? Yes.
Been arrested? Yes.
Been in the back of a cop car? yes.
Gotten your head stuck in a fishbowl? Not yet.
Flashed anyone? Yes
Shot a gun? Yes, a bb gun i believe.
Been suspended/expelled from school? in 9th grade when I had my short stint at Oglethorpe County High School, I got suspended for 3 days for walking off school grounds ("you dont wanna be in school? then your punishment is you dont have to be")
Tortured an animal? no.

2:54 a.m. - 2005-05-04


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