cuke15's Diaryland Diary


OpenOffice project

With hockey season winding down, I made a spreadsheet of all the teams and their records and such using

I'm actually proud of how I did it, because I actually had to do some thinking to get my one column to work. I have a column labeled "POS". Which stands for Playoff Status, not.. well, you know. But anyway. I used an IF function to in this format, =IF((82-B12)*2+G12<G4;"In Playoffs";""), for the teams above the 9th ranked (teams that would be in the playoffs if the season ended today). Basically what it says is 82 games minus the number of games the 9th ranked team has played. Then it multiplies that number times two to figure out the maximum number of points the 9th ranked team can get (which effectively tells you if the team it's counting against the 9th ranked spot can be knocked out of the playoffs. The 4th column (G4) tells the amount of games the team has played. NOW, for the teams under 8th ranked (currently wouldn't be in the playoffs, I used an IF function to see if the teams still have a chance of making the playoffs: =IF((82-B12)*2+G12<G11;"Eliminated";""). Basically all that does is takes the number of games the team has left (82 - their current number of games played) then multiplies it times two to give the maximum number of points that team can make for the rest of the season, and then adds those points to the points they've already accumulated. It then compares it to the team in the 8th position to tell you if that team has been eliminated or not.

So yeah, it was fun to figure out and took a little bit of problem solving. I had fun, though.


9:56 p.m. - 2004-03-14


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