cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Brave New World, Laura

So tonight Laur and I went to go check out Melissa's new band, Brave New World at Somber Reptile. The show was good, high energy. There was a lot of technical problems during BNW's set, though. Their set was kinda bad coz of it, but you could tell they were into it. You can still hear that place Melissa is in whenever they play that song. That place she sees when she's closing her eyes on stage. I don't know. It's really cool. Can't wait to see them on a good show.

Laur and I have been doing perfect lately, aside from the fear. She's been a little sick, though. But hey; she's pregnant. But the whole thing is really great. We're both just really happy we're bringing this into the world. We've got the ability to take care of this, and we know we can probably do it with no outside help once it happens, which is really good. Of course outside help will come in the form of family, probably, but we know we could pull it off by ourselves if we had to. We're going to be pulling in enough money to do so and it's a really nice feeling. I think we're becoming more and more secure, but it's still scary looking that far into that. I think Laur and I realized that getting angry is not helping anything anymore. We both haven't gotten angry in quite awhile. It's a really nice thing. Sure we have our annoyances from time to time, but it's like we've matured from getting angry over shit you can't control. I shouldn't talk though, everyone lives life their own way. They played "The Edge" tonight, by the way.. Just thought I'd mention that. I guess everything is going to work out. We're getting more and more stable again everyday.


CORRECTION: They played "Ode," not "The Edge". Thought I'd mention that before Mel corrected me. Hehe. I beat you Mel!

11:41 p.m. - 2003-09-13


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