cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Guinea Pigs


Tim and Dr. Teeth here. We rock. We don't look Presbityrian, though. Sorry about all the Muppet Movie references lately! Haha. Anyways. Dr. Teeth is becoming more and more of a sweetheart every day. She's not as afraid when we go in the kitchen, and even sometimes sticks her head out to see what's going on. She's the only guinea pig I've had so far that makes the angry sound when you pet her, though. I know she's just scared though. It's more of a discomfort noise when they're being petted, and an anger noise when it's twoards other pigs. I don't know. I just want her to be fine. Her teeth seem to bother her, she chews more than Rizzo and Dr. Teeth and Janice combined. I think she's just teething, who knows. I don't even know if Guinea Pigs teeth, I know they are born with teeth and stuff. God, I love my Guinea Pigs. I love them so much. Seriously, I should thank God for them soon. I really haven't yet. I love Guinea Pigs because they're so sweet. They're so dynamic and complex. There are so many things to learn about each and every one. They've each got tremendous personality. It's very obvious too, their differences. Hehe. They're all so warm too. They have high body temperatures. It feels good when they're laying on your arm or somewhere. I should start putting them on my sore muscles. These guinea pigs may have a purpose yet! (Other than being such good friends). They've all been so helpful to me. I know it sounds cheezy to me, but these guinea pigs have taught me individuality. They've shown me that everyone has their own special characteristics. I mean, I've known that before; I've written about it. But now I've actually kind of got to see it on a scale. You know? Guinea Pigs can be the sweetest creatures ever if you just give them love.


7:33 a.m. - 2003-08-27


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