cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Veggietales - I Love My Duck

Narrator: Once upon a time there lived a king. Like other kings, he had a really neat castle to live in and a lovely little kingdom to rule. But unlike other kings, this king spent most of his time in the bath tub.

King: Some kings love horses and some kings love cattle. Some kings love leading their troops into battle. But me, I'm not like that. I find that stuff yucky. I'd much rather stay in my tub with my duckie... Because I love my duck!

Louis: Sir, if I could have a minute.

King: Love my duck!

Louis: There are some things we must discuss.

King: I love my duck!

Louis: You see there's a war and well, we're in it.

King: Love my duck!

Louis: Oh, I don't mean to make a fuss.

King: ...Then don't. Sing with me Louis!

Louis: Huh? Oh, Ok... Because he loves his duck.

King: And that is why I can't be bothered.

Louis: Loves his duck.

King: With the particulars of war.

Louis: He loves his duck.

King: Cause quite unlike my dear old father.

Louis: Loves his duck.

King: I find it all a bore! ... Now concentrate dear Louis and I think you will agree. The most important person in the whole wide world is me. So please don't drag me down with all the people and their troubles. Go run some water in my tub to freshen up my bubbles...

Louis: oh boy.

King: Because I love my duck!

Louis: I don't know why I even bother.

King: Love my duck.

Louis: You just can't reason with this guy.

King: Because I love my duck.

Louis: It's time to face the facts, I think we're all a little stuck.

King: Let the army run a muck!

Louis: I fear the kingdom's out of luck.

King: Because I love my duck.

Louis: Yes, undoubtedly we're stuck.

King: So let the army run a muck!

Louis: Oh boy, we're really out of luck.

King: Because I love my...

[duck squeak]

...Hey! What's that?

Kid: Because I love my duck, you're always there to make me smile. I love my duck, You're my very favorite toy. [hums] Because I love my duck.

King: I want it.

Louis: What? The house?

King: No, the duckie.

Louis: But you already have a duckie.

King: What are you saying? That I shouldn't have whatever I want?

Louis: Well...

King: I must have it, I must get it. You must go and get it for me. If you want me to be happy then you'll show me you adore me. Don't rest another minute until it's sitting here before me. If you want to do your best, I would suggest you go and bring me back that duck... I don't like these, I don't need these. I don't want these any longer. My affection for those duckies isn't getting any stronger. To say I can't have what I want, you couldn't be more wronger. Don't ask me to explain. There will be pain if you don't go and get that duck... And who are you?

Melvin: You remember me, I am Melvin. That slightly odd wiseman who shows up every so often to tell you things.

King: Ah yes, well.. what is it?

Melvin: I have to tell you a little story. There once was a man, a very rich man. He had a lot of sheep, he had a lot of lamb. He threw a lot of parties. He was dappa. He was tan. Yes there once was a very rich man.

King: OK. Great story. I'll, uh, see ya next time, um...

Melvin: Wait just a minute, my story isn't done. It's about two men and I've only mentioned one.

King: Oh...

Melvin: There once was a man, a very poor man. He had next to nothing, just a little lamb. But he loved it like a son. And he fed it from his hand. Yes there once was a very poor man. Then one day there was a guest at the house of the rich man. What did he do, have you guessed, to feed the guest of the rich man?

King: Well, let's see. He had plenty of sheep. So, he could just share one of his sheep, not a problem.

Melvin: He took the lamb of the poor man. He took the lamb of the poor man. The rich man took to feed his guest the very very poor man's lamb.

King: Is this a true story?

Melvin: As surely as I stand before you today, my story is true.

King: Who is that man? For his cruelty he will spend the rest of his days locked in my dungeon. Who is he?

Melvin: Oh, King George... you are that man.

Rock On

7:51 a.m. - 2003-08-18


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