cuke15's Diaryland Diary



1. Name: Timothy Scott Mason

2. Were you named after anyone? No

3. Do you wish on stars? I did once.

4. Which finger is your favorite? Ring finger.

5. When did you last cry? Last Sunday.

6. Do you like your handwriting? Yeah.

7. Who do you admire? God, anyone who writes a good song.

9. What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey

10. Any bad habits? yeah. I don't want to disclose them, though.

11. What store would you never be caught dead in? I don't know.

12. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? yeah, but we would only talk sometimes. It's not that I don't like myself, it's just that I would sense that I was a very unique person who needs time alone sometimes.

13. Are you a daredevil? not anymore.

14. Have you ever told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? Probably.

17. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone? I don't remember.

18. Are you trendy? No.

19. What do you do to prevent anger? Write, Sing, Complain.

20. Are you passive or aggressive? Used to be aggressive but I wore myself out to passiveness.

21. Who is your idol? Jesus

23. Do you trust others easily? I'm getting back to the point where I can.

24. What did you play with as a child? rollerblades, hotwheels, video games, and bikes

26. Do you like sappy love songs? sometimes.

27. Have you ever been on radio or television? Radio twice. Two days in a row. Me & Laura Telford called up Dick Dale on 93.3 and we were on live twice.

28. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone? Yes, plenty of times. I know it makes me sound like a prick, but I have an anger problem and when someone starts to treat me wrong, I want to bring them down with me now. I can bring anyone down emotionally.

29. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? yes. it's stupid. Hard to concentrate on the music that way.

30. Do you feel understood most of the time? never.

31. Would you rather have a sore throat or an upset stomach? Sore throat... I've had a stomach ache from hell before.

32. Do you know what `scteif is? no

33. What are your nicknames? Tim, Timoofi

34. Could you be a vegetarian? no.

35. Would you ever bungee jump? yeah.

36. Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? no. I never untie them unless my feet won't slip in coz the shoe is too tight.

37. What are you worried about right now? Finding a new friend who is willing to help me grow in Christ.. and I'm always worried about making God happy.

38. Do you ever wear overalls? No, but I should. That sounds comfortable.

39. Do you still only fasten one side???? Hrm.

40. Do you think you are strong? No, other people do for some reason. Just because I've been through a lot doesn't mean I'm strong. I still end up falling apart and wrestling with myself over every little thing.

41. What's your favorite popsicle? I like those Orange Creamcicles.

42. Who is most likely to respond? I'm not forwarding this to anyone.

43. Who do you think won't respond at all? See above.

44. Birthday: 8-26-83

45. Age: 19

46. Favorite Color(s): pink, blue (in that order)

47. Eye Color: Brown

48. Do you have a driver's license: No.

48. Last person who called you: Either my dad or Julie, I forget which.

49. Last person who saw you cry: God and Julie.

50. Last person you went to the movies with: Julie.

51. Last person you went to the mall with: Julie.

52. Who sent you this email: Suzi <3

11:32 p.m. - 2003-04-09


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