cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Julie's email

Hahah, this is like the exact reason I love Julie. This is an e-mail she sent me.. Notice the inside joke in the last paragraph :). It's after I had seen a black crippled guy today. The guy was amazingly friendly, but he was an amazing gimp. Very smart, just crippled.

hey hey baby, looked for you, couldnt find you. called

and your line was busy, then I came online and you

were not on aol or messenger, where the hell are ya?


ok , its like 10:41 and iam about to fall asleep

sitting up, so more than likely baby, iam going to

bed. iam sorry i couldnt find ya, i wanted to talk

before i went to bed, but hey we got our whole lives

ahead of us huh sweet guy? ok i love you soooooo much

tim doggy dog and i hope tomorrow you have a wonderful

day. i send lots of love your way, yours, Julie

*Your homework for tonight is to write a song, music

and lyrics, intitled "Black Gimp in America". I think

it will be a hit!!!! ;0)

11:07 p.m. - 2003-03-25


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