cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Yesterday & Today

Hello folks.

I just got back from my dad's place. I spent the night there. I leanred how to play the Peanut's Theme and the Jeopardy theme. It's funny. I think I should just do cover songs for awhile. We went to Barnes & Noble but they didn't have The Bible for Dummies anymore, so I didn't bother. Funny and strange. They didn't have Oleander's new CD either. Blah. Shoulda went to Borders. My dad has this really cool game and you fly a remote control airplane in it. It's really nifty, it comes with a remote control that you plug into your USB port, so it's just like you're flying a remote controlled airplane with a remote control thingee. It's nifty. I had a really good day yesterday, and today has been good too. Not as good as yesterday, though. Oh well. I'm just happy I had a completely peaceful day for once in my life. Jesus is working miracles in my life. You'd think I'd be all nervous and strung out about being on the verge of war. But I'm not. I hope Julie comes online, though. I wanna talk to her.


8:57 p.m. - 2003-03-18


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