cuke15's Diaryland Diary


feeling better, Jan(uary), Julie

Wee.. I talked to Julie for four hours last night. It was really good. I'm feeling better. I think I've just been desensitized to all emotions as of recently except defenses.

I woke up and tried to call Jan(uary) but no one answered. I was gonna see if we could get a friendship going again, and hope that she didn't swing from guy to guy again so I would have to leave. I would just want for once for her and I to be friends. I think her not answering was a bad sign, though. Maybe a warning sign not to even try. Who knows? Oh well. I have to read Numbers 10-12 today. That's what's up in my Bible plan, plus I have to replace about 20% of my fishie's water. Did I tell you I renamed Flipper to Dorthy in honor of Elmo's World? Well, yeah, I did. Oh that reminds me... in the meantime.

  1. I love you because you made the suggestion that we need to get a Craftmatic Adjustable Bed.
  2. I love you because you want to get two little baby ducks and raise them and feed them so they follow us around everywhere.
  3. I love you because you let me finish singing and playing "Ms. Fortune" on guitar last night before having your way with me.
  4. I love you because you're trying to make a better person of yourself.

Oh well. I gotta go. Remember the motto:

be dedicated, be loyal, be hardcore!

12:52 p.m. - 2003-02-09


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