cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Butch Walker

I was looking thru Butch Walker's interviews on metal-sludge and I thought I'd put my favorites of the word association part and also the comments other people had listed about him in their Word Associations/Ratings (I like the ones on Ted Nugent, Byte the Bullet (one of his old bands), Paul Stanley, The Strokes, Vince Neil, and Sum41) MAKE SURE TO READ THE BOTTOM PART WHERE OTHER ARTISTS RATE AND COMMENT ON BUTCH WALKER, IT IS PROOF THAT HE IS THE BEST MUSICIAN OF THE PAST 15 YEARS! You can't say I'm wrong until you read them!:

Sevendust - my boys. much deserved success.

Tommy Lee - oh he's so cool now.

Nikki Sixx - oh he was so cool then. still love him.

Bret Michaels - hung.

Byte The Bullett - that's one "t", buddy... they sucked

Paul Stanley = yet again... a guy that wore tights, lipstick, and puckered up for you, and you stood in the crowd, mullet, mustache, fat-arms and all, and said, "he's the shit!"... that is awesome when you think about it.

The Strokes = converse sneaker sales are up 300% in the past year.... thanks Strokes!

Vince Neil = sober up and get back with the crue. you guys can still be the next fucking american legend, like aerosmith. i think tommy is almost done rapping.

Ted Nugent = snap into a slim jim!.... then, snap out of it, stop fucking talking and start fucking rocking again...

Sum 41 = i love them. they are funny as shit, and canadian!

The Osbournes = amazing how somebody that hasnt sold a record in 10 years, cant talk, cant hardly walk, and has no brains left, has become an american icon. sharon is a fucking genius.... or the devil.. i havent figured it out yet...

and now... for the comments other people had left about Butch (if these don't prove to you he atleast deserves a gold album, I don't know what does):

Jesse Harte (lead singer of Southgang, another of Butch's old bands) says this about Butch: Music Genius, driven, and life long friend.

Danny Walker's (of Handsome Devil) rating of Butch: 8 of 10

D.Grady (of Injected) says this about Butch: 10, screams like his jeans are on fire. we did Crue's "live wire" at the Whiskey and he got up on stage and hit the high note for what seemed like 30 seconds.

D.Grady when asked if feeling bad about selling more albums than M3 (Butch's old band) did, even though he produced them: No, not really. I think that most metal sludge readers will admit that with any band it's ultimatley it's the quality of the fans versus the quantity. I went on tour with them and learned that their fans are CRAZY about them they follow them from show to show, own every record, every import, etc. 500 kids a night singing every god damn word. Who can fuck with that? They have a hard core fanbase that loves their music, that's what i would want for my band.

More of DGrady's comments on Butch: Drinking buddy, amazing producer and performer, and one of the best friends I've ever had. Drives a bitchin 70s Buick convertable. We get juiced and are the only brothas in ATL blasting "Women and Children First" in his car at 2 AM. What more could you want from a friendship?

Jaret Von Erich's (of Bowling for Soup) comments on Butch Walker: Musical genius, nice guy, great friend.

Brown Sound's (of Sum41) comments on Butch: Great song writer and one of the coolest guys I know

Moongoose McQueen (also known as Chris Jerhico, of Fozzy) comments on Butch Walker: Underrated as all hell. Southgang, Marvelous Three and Left of Self Centered all rule!

Jesse James Dupree of Jackyl comments on Butch: he's an Atlanta boy, I know him. He played in ummm, he played in a couple of bands. Southgang, and now he's doin' his solo thing I heard. But I really, uh, I helped a radio station in South Carolina put on a show. It wasn't a show that Jackyl or we played at or anything. Just a show I helped put on and he played there. They came out and rocked. I mean, once again, I just know him from bein' around Atlanta. I don't know him, know him, you know?

Mitch Allan of SR-71 answers the question: why don't the Marveous 3 have more fame than they do now?: Because the music industry is a toilet and shit floats to the top! These guys are great songwriters and THE BEST LIVE BAND I HAVE EVER SEEN!!! What the fuck is wrong with the rest of the world?

Mitch Allan comments on Butch: ROCK GOD

Jeremy Popoff (of Lit): Butch Walker = Should be the biggest rock star in the world. Probably the most talented guy I know.

That's the crowning one. Everyone knows Lit and that comment is coming from a guy who chugs a beer down while playing a guitar solo one handed during every show.

I think there's more but I'm too lazy to look them up.


9:46 p.m. - 2002-11-22


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