cuke15's Diaryland Diary


My Baby Book

So I found my baby book, and I thought I'd type up the contents of it here, for you guys... it's pretty interesting.

In between cover and first page, there is a card someone drew.. and it says "Happy
1st Birthday Timmy", and there's a little bear and a
 candle on it.  Then there is a retail card that says on the
 front... "Congratulations On Your NEW BABY BOY!
  Gee, you must be HAPPY, EXCITED, THRILLED, PROUD... then on the inside it says ...and POOPED!"
  and there is a picture of the moon yawning and a
 light on in a house and the word "WAAAAA!!"
 coming out of the window... then it says "Best Wishes to All!"
  Then it was signed Love, Rob, Linda + Eric.  Nikki + Buster too!  Then
 there's a picture of Jeremy, I'm
 guessing, but it may be me, and then
 there's a picture of me and Jeremy
 togehter.  Then there's an ADORABLE picture of me... 
why don't I still look this cute?  
Then you flip the page.. and it's a 
blank page with a plastic bag taped to it with brown hair in it (my hair was
 brown before?).. and it says under
 it "Curls from first
 hair cut 12-17-84".  Then, on the 
opposite page, where the actual first
 page was.. with the template and
 everything for the baby book.. i'll do
 it like this:

[Page 1-Right]
Our Little Boy

This is the keepsake record of Timothy
 Scott Mason.  Born to John + Suzanne
 Mason on August 26, 1983.

[Page 2-Left]
If For Little Boys (prewritten poem, by
 whichever company made the baby book)

If he can come into the world
and show you
that he's a little angel
from the start,
If he can fuss and kick
and lose his halo,
then turn around and smile
and win your heart,
If he delights you
though at times he's naughty,
and makes you laugh at him
instead of scold,
If at one moment
he can try your temper
and then the very next
be good as gold...

[Page 2-Right]
If he's forever asking
lots of questions
and bringing home
the treasures he has found,
If he encounters puddles
in his pathway
and stomps right through
instead of going around,
If he can fill each day
with high adventure,
and fill your life
with happiness and joy,
Then he'll be everything
you've always wanted--
he'll be a happy,
healthy baby boy!

[Page 3-Left]
This page was originally meant for baby
 showers, but that's striked out and
 this is written (by my mom):

You were my second son, and for your
 second baby + then after there are no
 showers, but you were so sweet.  You
 did get alot of gifts thou!
     On these pages for showers I'll
 fill in about you.

     You were born on Friday, August
 26, 1983, 9:52 PM.  I was only in
 labor with you 2 hrs., and 20 mins. 
 You were an easy baby to have.  I felt
 so good after having you.  Grandma D
 came to see you on Sat Aug 27, 1983. 
 She was so proud.  
     Daddy came everyday.  Daddy
 brought us home on Monday Aug 29th to
 your new home + to meet your brother,

[Page 3-Right]
For the first 3 mos. you were a bad
 baby.  Cried alot, had colic, up all
 night + day.  You never hardly kept
 food in ya, you spit up, threw up all
 the time.  We couldn't go anywhere,
 you'd cried.
     You did change into a nice happy
 baby.  It was rough at first but I
 loved you so.  

   The time you became 5 mos. old you
 were a very good, healthy happy baby. 
 Always doing stuff.

[Page 4-Left]
His Arrival Day

FIRST INDICATIONS:  Light back aches, then light cramps.

TRIP TO HOSPITAL:  Not so bad.  Bridge up for a boat, only had to wait 5 minutes.

We named him Timothy Scott
because we liked the name.
     Arrival Time: 9:52 PM
     on Friday August 26, 1983
Weight 8 LB's - 0 OZ's Lenght 20 1/4 (7 LBS - 3 OZ's when we left Hos.)
Color of Hair: dark black Color of Eyes: dark blue.


Hospital: Portsmouth Naval Hospital
Doctor: Billye
Pediatrician: We went in Family Practice at Oceama Naval Center (Orange Team)

[In middle of Page 4]
There's a little sheet of paper, 
horrible handwriting, I must have
 written in 1987 in Pre-school.  It's a
 timeline I made that says "Time line
 of Timmy's Life".  Maybe Jeremy made
 it, I don't know.  It started out with
 a blue pen line, and a blue start line
 that says 1983, my mom wrote those..
 My brother did everything else in
 pencil and it says on the first
 line "August 26... I was borned."

[Interjection: I guess I made this.]

Then it says "April," (1984) "I Moved
 from Virginia to South Carolina." 
 Then it says "Desber," (1986) "I got
 the chiken poks"

After the timeline, there's a picture
 of me and my brother in sailor
 uniforms (boy, that sounds dirty)...
 they do for brothers in Navy
 Families..  Still looking cute... Then
 there's a smaller picture of that
 first very cute one I was telling you
 about.  Then a smaller one of the one
 of me and my brother.

[Page 4-Right]
Our Little Boy's Birth Certificate

On this page, I think my mom decided to
 plaster it with things from the
 hospital visit.  First there's a
 little hospital band they put on me
 that says "Boy Mason Suzanne 8/26/83
 2152 Billye" Then there's another one
 that says the same thing..Then there's
 a little faded big hospital band with
 purple ink.  As far as I can tell it's 
my dads name and my dads rank, and my moms name and I can't make out what the other stuff on it is.  Under those,
 there's a card taped to it and there's
 a little box with "Breast" checked in
 it" then it has:

Baby Mason 4/13/2 (NOTE:Not a date.. i
 dunno what it is)
Infant's name:  Mother's Full Name: Suzanne
Sex: Boy, Birthdate: 8/26/83, Time: 2152
Weight: 8 3630  Length: 20 1/4
Head: 13 1/4 Obstetrician: Dr. Billeye
Chest: 13 1/8
Abd: 13.

Then to the left of this card, is the
 bill from the hospital and it 
says "$19.65" and "Paid By: Check #400"

And under the bill my mom
 wrote "Hospital Bill only $19.65 for 
food for Mommy."  Then under the first 
card, there's a bag with a shrivlled up 
thingee and it says "Belly Button Cord"

[Page 5-Left]

Grandma (8-27 to 9-9-83)
Sue Bynaker + Son (8-29-83)
Charles Bynaker (8-29-83)
Mrs. Coleman (8-30-83)
Sue (Sue's Landlady) (8-30-83)

Grandpa + ma (10-15-83 - 10-21-83)
Grandma Mason ""    -    ""

Then, there are some cards attached to 
the page.. One says "We sure do love 
you!  Thank you!  Love always, John & 
Jeremy" and then my mom wrote "<- from 
flowers," next to it.  Under that card 
is a card which says "Welcome to your 
new baby boy.  Congratulations from 
husbands, co-workers" then theres a 
little plastic thing taped that 
says "It's a Boy!".  Under that there 
is a card that says "A BABY IS GOD'S 

"Welcome to Timothy-
Congratulations and all best wishes
to you all."

"'Uncle Mel' Cruser"

I never knew that person, but I loved 
their handwriting and the things they 

[Page 5-Right]

Item                    From
Flowers                 Daddy + Jeremy
Plant (Tree)            Daddy's Co-workers
3 blankets, outfit, toy Grandma-Grandpa
2 Toys, Knitted outfit  A Lin, U. Rob - Eric, Nikki
Blue Outfit             Sue - Charles Bynaken
Short outfit + socks    Grandma Mason

[Page 6-Left]

There's a little card taped to this 
page which says on the front "Meet Our 
New Baby Boy!" then on the inside:


Name Timothy Scott Mason
Born August 26, 1983
Weight 8 lbs 0 ozs
Parents John + Suzanne Mason

20 1/4 inches long

[EDITORS NOTE: Julie just told me most 
babies have blue eyes.. FUCK.. damn, I 
thought I was special for once.]

[Page 6-Right]

A picture attached with me in a little 
bayonette or whatever they are.. and 
under it it says "4 days old, Tues Aug. 
30, 1983"

[Page 7-Left]

(This one is hard to format, so I'm 
just going to go straight down)
Father's side:
GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: Beverly (Maiden name unknown) (Delano)
GRAND-MOTHER: Elenor Mason
FATHER: John Mason

Mother's side:
GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: Leah Foster (Grabner)
GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: Florence Hailend (Dotzler)
GRANDFATHER: Milton Dotzler
GRANDMOTHER: Dolores Grabner (Dotzler)
MOTHER: Suzanne Dotzler (Mason)

BABY: Timothy Scott Mason

I'm getting tired.. I'll add the rest later.

1:06 p.m. - 2002-10-24


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