cuke15's Diaryland Diary


yesterday and today.. update

Howdy *waves*. Another week of being alone. Hopefully Jan can come over this weekend. It'll be nice if she can. SHE FUCKING HATES ME#%!%# TRUST.. SHE FUCKING HATES ME%!#% LA LA LA LOVE!%#%#! *dances*.. woo.. that had nothing to do with the entry.. just came on in the song. Sorry I haven't updated much. I've been dealing with grandma dying in different ways. Mostly by comforting mom. I feel better when I can comfort other people. She tried to keep herself occupied yesterday. She went up to Wal-Mart yesterday to get her time off so she could go up to NY for her mom's funeral and while she was in the store one of the people there brought a card around and lots of the associates signed it and gave lots of money. There was lots of money. It was really nice of them. That's why I think Wal-Mart is a good company. They allow an environment where everyone respects each other.. so people end up getting along in the end and growing friendships.. Mom and I will write a thank you note when she gets back, but anyways.. Yeah. hi. I do hope Jan can come over. Hehe. HEY LEO. I ATE WONTONS LAST NIGHT!#% HEHE. YOURE JEALOUS AREN'T YOU? *WAVES ONE IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE* HAHAHA!#!% :p. Yeah, last night Julie called a bit and we talked for a little while. We sang "You Got It (The Right Stuff)" by NKOTB. Then she reminiced (sp?) about how she used to have her walls covered with them. Julie is so neato. We sang "I'm too sexy" by Right Said Fred too. Haha. I also talked to Lauren.. I think her name is.. online yesterday. She was one of the girls we met outside the Injected show in Jax. It turns out her friend Mellissa was at the show in Atlanta too. She had higher regards for Injected and lower regards for Default, though. That was the way it was supposed to play out. Yeah, anyways.. then I slept and mom woke me up and I gave her a hug and was still a little shaky.. even when I was sleeping I was on the verge of crying.. even when I was watching Cheers last night. I don't remember much about my Grandma.. I just knew she was really sweet and meant a lot to everyone who really knew her. Kim (my cousin, remember her?) is probably not doing too well. But yeah.. Mom woke me up and I hugged her and then she was off from Jax to Atl to Buf. Anyways, I slept until about 11:30 then my dad called me and woke me up then I called Rachel in New York for a while with my phone card and we talked. Then I don't know how I've wasted the past 3 hours. I got on and checked my buddy list and noticed pansygirl, chewy, and chrissy updated their diaries. I read Chewy's and decided I should update coz I didn't write much last night. I don't know what it is I just kinda get bumps down my back when I see Chrissy's diary name in red (saying she updated). I guess that's weird. Oh well. Jan needs to come home.


3:04 p.m. - 2002-08-14


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