cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Chrissy, Kate, Something Left After Misfortune, Burn Season, Nerds Unite

What's up my homies? I'm so bored. I keep listening to the same song over and over ("News Flash" by Something Left After Misfortune). It's a really awesome song.

Anyways, mates, Kate e-mailed me. She gets a cookie. I never see her online anymore, though. You can never trust Australians and stuff, or something. She needs to come online, I miss talking to her. Speaking of needing to come online, I wonder where Chrissy is. Probably sleeping, she was up for like 32 hours. Ok, now I'm listening to Jacksonville's own Burn Season. They rock. I've been playing guitar a bit this morning, still not as much as I was. I'm still sorta getting the groove back. This is my 380th entry. My dad said he was going to pay off my medical bills. That makes me all feel warm and fuzzy inside. I'm still all looking at my bridge on my new guitar like "wow, that's so cool".. because the strings wrap around under it. I'm easily amused. Er-Her. NERDS UNITE. I'm going to make a Nerds Unite logo for all my friends to steal. Put this image on your diaries if you want, I can tell you how if you want help...


1:22 p.m. - 2002-06-12


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