cuke15's Diaryland Diary


One Week Anniversary, Something Left After Misfortune

Well, Something Left After Misfortune found another bass player and are having their first show in ATL in 6 months tonight. I so want to go. They fucking rock. Injected's promised to bring them around on tour within the next year, though, so I can go see them then. I am kinda pissed they didn't respond to me or half my friends in ATL's request to try out for a bass player, I guess they wanted KNOWN musicians. I guess that's fair. Sucks too, they're on their way to being signed... Here.. give them a listen. I'm hoping to hold my monkey for a while today. Today is our ONE WEEK ANNIVERSARY. I guess you could say after this week we still have something left after misfortune. Wow.. that worked good. We've had a rough first week. There's a lot of heavy comprimising between us. I'm completely happy with who she is, I just wasn't happy with what she can give. I get insecure. But, we did a good job of comprimising. I think now I'm happy with our comprimise and what she can give now, though. I don't think there are any more really important issues up in the air right now, so I think this upcoming week will be a lot less hectic. I got out my 2 or 3 bitching entries, so here's your good one for you :). Another one of my questions made the main page. The Queens of the Stone Age question. They forgot to put my answer up though. This is the first time my question has made the main page, I've got 3 or 4 in the archives. Some asshole answered one of them who isn't even in the band. *shrug*. I think he was just playing around, though. "Bullet" is a great song. They're gonna send it to 93.3 very shortly. It might be too heavy for their playlist, but who knows. I don't listen to the radio too much anymore anyways.

I don't have much to say except I love my monkey! One week.

10:34 a.m. - 2002-06-12


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