cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Spacehog, guitar, holding, "Undressed"


LITTLE RED CORVETTE *dances like Prince in video*... woo, anyways.. I watched Undressed last night. That show rocks my socks. I wanted to stay up longer, because I was talking to Chrissy and I was interested in the show, but I was fucking tired as shit.

Songs of the Moment: Spacehog - In the Meantime and Prince - Little Red Corvette

I bet Spacehog rocks live. Their guitarist fucking owns me. They've got every aspect of being rock stars down, including the looks. Not that looks are important, but it just adds a little something to the fold. It's gonna be a good week. I hope so. Blah, I'm sucking at guitar lately, my head's not completely into it. I'll just have to step back for a day or two and then go back at it. No guitar today! If anyone reads this, make sure to remind me to not play guitar today. Wow. What am I gonna do all day? I think maybe I'll just read. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this. I plan on taking complete revenge on anyone who uses "Little Red Corvette" on me, unless they're using it to enhance soemthing. If ya get my gist. Nah, I'm not a revenge type of guy. Just don't use it on me! Anyways, I need to get the Prince DVD with 15 of his music videos on it. I'm actually starting to want a job again. I don't know why. I read Chrissy's diary about graduation and she wanted to hold me during the fireworks. That made me mealt inside. Holding her is my favorite thing to do with her. Anything else that happens is just a nice bonus. Holding and talking are all that is really necessary, though. I don't know why I'm telling this, though. Maybe I just want to remember it. Fuck... I got white shit all over my blanket. It's not what it seems! Mwhaha. I have some moisturizing cream on my foot.. Yeah, I'm sure all of you are going "yeah, sure you do Tim, uh huh". WELL IT'S TRUE. Mwhaha, can you tell I'm bored? Last night, I figured out you can pull off the top layer of a Pizza Hut insider pizza so you just have a thin crust with 4 cheeses. It's so awesome. Mwhahha. I'm easily amused.. *imitates air guitar on Spacehog's - In the Meantime*. Ugh, I'm never going to be able to go the rest of the day not playing guitar, not even the rest of the hour. I don't know. Shit, I'm like that boy who couldn't stop masturbating on Undressed last night, only I can't stop playing guitar. It's sad. I know it'll help if I take a step away, though. I'm always so much free and better when I take a step away and go back when I can feel my talent coming back. Wow. I bet no one cares, either. Anyways, You should all definetely get "In the Meantime" by Spacehog. Imagine seeing that shit live.. that would rock ass. Oh well, I'm gonna go.



11:20 a.m. - 2002-06-09


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