cuke15's Diaryland Diary


Chrissy, movie, what relationships are about.

Tonight was a good night. It started out bad. I was crying when I got to pizza hut. Dyanne could tell, and it really sucked. She was worried and I don't want her to be. I won a beanie baby camel out of the machine. Anyways, then Chrissy & Shawn came up. We played MMMBop on the jukebox. Chrissy had to go to the bathroom and I followed her in there... and then I felt the greatest thing I've ever felt when I went out with her, and hopefully when I go out with her again. I held her in my arms for 3 or 4 minutes, then I held her hands and told her I was going to try my hardest. I just hope we can make it. I could have held her forever if she didn't have to pee. Anyways, we got Dyanne to go. She got there late. From left to right, at the movie (The New Guy), we were sitting Dyanne, Me, Chrissy, Shawn. The movie was alright. Josh Todd was in it and so was Tommy Lee. I still need to see if I'm in the thank you section of his CD. I've been told I am. We emailed a bit back and forth before the album was done. Anyways, around 3/4ths of the way into the movie, Chrissy had her leg over mine.. and we were holding hands. It felt good. I could live with that and kisses and more talking in a relationship. That's what I loved about my relationship with Chrissy so much. My favorite things were joking around, kissing, holding hands, holding each other, and talking about everything. Those are the good parts of a relationship and all I really want with Chrissy. It was a good night, we'll see if things turn out alright.


11:19 p.m. - 2002-06-03


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